Timely Challenge

Blog about some of the challenges in your life that u are now facing. If any. Be as blunt, or bold as u like.

Challenges? Me? I think they've been a running theme in my blog lately. Seems like the past 6 months have been nothing BUT a challenge. Sure, there have been some great times, some fun, lots of laughter... but the challenges lurk in the dark. They're there. They just don't always show their nasty faces.

Challenge 1: Leaving the school where I began teaching to move closer to home, rekindle my passion for teaching, and find the sanity to possibly start a family.

Challenge 2: My best friend moving away. We've talked about it. I think it's the BEST decision for her and her partner. The challenge comes from my selfishness.

Challenge 3: DH starting his own business. Start-up fees, LLC, payroll companies, rent, you name it... it's money leaving the bank account, not going in. But I trust my husband whole-heartedly and I know he will make it work.

Challenge 4: Family crap. Doesn't everyone have family crap that's always creeping up on them? I'm not going into detail here. It just doesn't feel right. But I will say that I am so proud of my family for closing ranks and pulling together. Wow. Challenges are always better met with tons of support from your family. Yay for us!

So, yeah. So many challenges I'm facing right now. Better to do them all at once? I don't know... I think it was MG who said, "Won't it be great to be bored a year from now?" Hell yes! Bring on the boredom. I'm more than ready for it!

3 Say something::

Lynn said...

Don't we all have family challenges. I know I sure do! Keep your chin up. Hopefully, everything will come up rosey!

Enchanted said...

I didn't even think to blog about family challenges! I think I've just accepted them as how it is, so I don't even dream of what it would be like not to have them! lol I also really feel you on the best friend leaving, my best friend moved for good last year and I haven't seen her in months. It gets easier though, you find ways to stay connected.

Sherri said...

My BF was jut commenting on you challenge #2 except she's the one staying and I'm the one leaving.

Good luck on the business.

It's the coolest thing when a family pulls together. My Dad's side is like that...no matter whats going on, family first. Love it.

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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