Playing Catch Up

Bella's nine month photo in Winston... it was a gorgeous day!

Bella's ten month photo in Oregon... sunshine and 70. Unheard of.

Bella dyeing her first Easter eggs.

Bella walking with her Daddy in her Easter dress on Easter Sunday.

I can hardly believe that May is nearly here. Testing is nearly completed and, with a little luck, all of my students will do well. I'm not sure who is looking forward to the end of testing more -- them or me! I've been in meetings and discussions about what next year will bring, and I'm looking forward to the changes. Being out of the classroom teaching teachers is truly a calling for me. I only hope that all goes as well as we are currently planning. There is still much to be done and many to get on the bandwagon, but I think we can do it. Knowing that there is a team of teachers working for change is comforting. I know I'm not out there alone.

My little girl gets less little every day. She's working on walking now, and has the bruises to prove it. She's getting pickier about what she eats, but she'll still try anything more than once. She's night-time pacifier free... I'll tackle those naps this summer. And to think... in a little over 6 weeks, she'll be a year old. I'm amazed by how quickly the time goes by. Everyone tells you that you need to cherish every moment because babies don't last long... and boy are they right! My little baby is fast becoming a little girl. Independent. Funny. Personality Plus. *Sigh* Where does the time go?
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A New Friend

My friend, Laura's, cat is staying with us for a while, so Bella has a new friend. His name is Sampson. After taking some time to settle in, he is now comfortable enough to venture into Bella's play area. Yesterday, he was so patient and gentle that he let her pet him. He thought this was gooooood, so he even got up on the coffee table for some head butting.

Our permanent cats, Luna and Xerxes, really take no interest in Bella. They will tolerate her petting, but find an escape route as soon as possible. Kharma, our "guard" dog, thinks that Bella is good for one thing, and one thing only: licking. So, we have to curb that. It's been nice to have Mr. Sampson around. He's good for Bella. And I think he doesn't mind it so much himself!

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Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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