Timely Challenge

Blog about some of the challenges in your life that u are now facing. If any. Be as blunt, or bold as u like.

Challenges? Me? I think they've been a running theme in my blog lately. Seems like the past 6 months have been nothing BUT a challenge. Sure, there have been some great times, some fun, lots of laughter... but the challenges lurk in the dark. They're there. They just don't always show their nasty faces.

Challenge 1: Leaving the school where I began teaching to move closer to home, rekindle my passion for teaching, and find the sanity to possibly start a family.

Challenge 2: My best friend moving away. We've talked about it. I think it's the BEST decision for her and her partner. The challenge comes from my selfishness.

Challenge 3: DH starting his own business. Start-up fees, LLC, payroll companies, rent, you name it... it's money leaving the bank account, not going in. But I trust my husband whole-heartedly and I know he will make it work.

Challenge 4: Family crap. Doesn't everyone have family crap that's always creeping up on them? I'm not going into detail here. It just doesn't feel right. But I will say that I am so proud of my family for closing ranks and pulling together. Wow. Challenges are always better met with tons of support from your family. Yay for us!

So, yeah. So many challenges I'm facing right now. Better to do them all at once? I don't know... I think it was MG who said, "Won't it be great to be bored a year from now?" Hell yes! Bring on the boredom. I'm more than ready for it!

It's that time of year...

When school supplies are UBER cheap, and I can fulfill some serious cravings I have for new folders, pencils, crayola products, paper, glue sticks... the list goes on. I decided to buy the bare minimum this year, but then my dorm secret sister pops up with BOXES of supplies for my classroom! WOW. This is me TOTALLY overwhelmed. I'm so grateful. And did I mention overwhelmed?

So, in a week and a half, I go to orientation at my new school. In two weeks, the "school year" begins. In three weeks I have new students and begin another whirlwind year of third grade. It promises to be an exciting one. New faces, new expectations, new friends to be made. New classroom, new culture. New new new.

Change is imminent. Change is about evolving. Change is about what's new. I'm all about some change. And...

Crayola Crayons!

Waiting on Harry

I'm waiting on my pal, Harry, to show up at my door. I arranged for his arrival back in April. Bought his ticket to my house. And he arrived in the area at 10:20, according to UPS.com. Now he's in the truck, heading to my house. I just can't wait. I should go to the grocery store. I should scrub the countertops in the kitchen. I should vacuum the bedroom and upstairs hallway. Instead, I'm waiting. He's going to be here any minute. And I just can't risk missing him when he gets here.

5 Little Things

2Peas challenge today was:

Name 5 things you do every day, without fail.

1. Blow my nose. It's a sad situation, but inevitably, I always end up using several tissues through the course of a day.
2. Kiss my husband. So important to the old adage: Never go to bed angry.
3. Read. I always have a book going and one waiting in the wings. It's my escape time.
4. Shower or Bathe. Unless we're camping, there is a shower or bath in my life every day. Some folks can go every other day, but not me.
5. Talk on the phone. Whether it's chatting with M, my sister in law, or just checking in w/Z, I use the phone.

Soooo, not very profound, but part those are the things I do everyday. I could have lied and said things like exercise or eat vegetables. But there are some days when a vegetable doesn't cross or I don't lace up my walking shoes.

As I'm getting closer to the school year, I'm thinking more and more about rituals, patterns, and plans for daily life. With Z working nearly 11 hours a day now, there are many things he just doesn't have the energy for when he gets home. I don't necessarily think he should be immune to helping out -- everyone has some responsibility -- but I need to figure out how I'm going to use my days wisely. Work is less than 10 minutes away now... about 5 if the lights and train are in my favor. Definitely time to start planning: exercise, meals, housework, excursions to Winston, camping, family time, "us" time.

Glad I love a list, though I think I'll ponder a bit more before I start putting these ideas on paper. A well-thought-out list is a million times better than one shoddily put together. List-neurosis can be your friend.

One Pooped Pup and Two Happily Sore Legs

Aaah. What a great weekend. K's parents have a beautiful piece of land in VA. Mini horses, deer, groundhogs, cats, and... Kharma, of course!

So glad we were able to spend good, quality time together. So glad to see M so very happy now. It's about time, dammit.

On Saturday K and A, along with Max AKA "B Frieze" joined us for an ~8 mile hike on the Bushwhacker and Iron Mountain Trails into Damascus. Excellent hiking, beautiful weather.

Today I will spend the day with my pooped puppy and my two happily sore legs. I might even get some work done around here. =o)


Yes. I went on opening day. I saw Harry Potter. Not sure what I'm thinking yet... Parts of it I really enjoyed. Parts of it were disappointing. I'm not going to go into gorey HP detail here, as I am a total HP dork, but I wonder how the 6th movie will address some of the loose ends and plot pieces they left out.

More importantly, the 7th book comes out in one week and one day. It will be delivered to my doorstep into my hot little hands on the 21st. It's bittersweet -- the end. I'm excited, but don't want it to end, either.

So, back to last night. I think the BEST part of the evening was spending time with my nephew, niece, and brother. What started as a date between my nephew and me became a famliy outing, Z included. Andy had soooo many questions -- he wanted to know who was going to die and when. Because the movie was so dark, he kept his eyes partially covered the whole time. He's really afraid of "Voldemork" (sooo cracks me up when he says that...). I made him promise that when he's old enough he'll actually READ the books.

Well, I need to get to mowing the lawn and getting my car cleaned. We have a big weekend ahead, and it's time to get started!

If Mandy says...

Change is the new black, then I'm WAY in style these days. It's been a constant uphill climb since about March. No end in sight. My calves are tired. My lungs are weak. My heart alternates between pounding and skipping beats. Sometimes the trail flattens for a minute, but no sooner do I catch my breath than it's back up the hill again.

Here's part of the excitement: C3. Z's new business venture. In progress, obviously.

Here she is....

Adrianne! Amazing...

Too bad I quit women... =op

Every once in a while...

You just happen upon GREAT music.

After M complained about 2 opening acts before Girlyman @ Eddie's last night, we were more than pleasantly suprised by Adrianne. Wow. Haven't heard a voice that rich or songwriting that spot-on in a long time. Perhaps my fave line: "I need a friend like a flashlight..." If I could get youtube to work for me, I'd post a video. I'll work on it...

Yeah. Me still basking in the glow of great live music. Aaaaah.

Too bad I quit smoking.
Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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