Catchin' Up

After my doctor's appt on Tuesday, Mom and I hit the Carter's store because, well, who can pass up a sale on baby clothes these days??? We found some great stuff for Bella including a onesie that says "Daddy's wrapped around my finger." Just love it! Mom had to get these socks -- Mary Janes in 3 colors, along with another 3 pairs that are ballerina slippers. Too cute for words.

After the Carter's shopping spree, we drove home, picked up Kristina and my dad and headed to the lake. Mom and Dad are "camping" there this summer. (You can hardly call it camping when you have a microwave, recliner, and DVD player!!) We swam and played and took Kristina to the petting zoo they have at the campground. She loved it. Here she is with her favorite: the lamb.

I've been back from the lake for a few days now... catching up on laundry, working on sub plans, spending time with Z, and hanging out with our visitors! With most of the Clan on vacation, we're hosting these two cuties for our friend Marilyn. The first adorableness you see is Savannah. She's a Jack Russel puppy. She keeps Kharma busy and has kept Luna in the sink for several days. Xerxes could care less. Speaking of caring less, the second adorable pup you see is Houston. He is the brother of my SIL's dog, Roscoe, may he RIP. Yes, he has a cleft lip. Yes, he's nearly blind and deaf. But he's 14, soft and cuddly and is pretty spry for an old man. He could care less about Kharma or the cats. Just make sure he goes outside, gets something to eat, and has a quiet place to sleep, and he's one happy man!

So, that's pretty much life here in the 'burbs. That and the fact that school supplies are on sale... but that's another story for another day!

2 Say something::

Cricket said...

love the sweet are they?!

those socks are to die for!! how stinkin' cute!!


Cindy aka HappyStamper aka Sealion said...

Those socks ARE too cute for words! LOL

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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