Sick of Being Sick

Hello? (Do you hear the echo?)
Yeah... that's my incredibly empty stomach. Nothing will stay down. I'm OVER it! For two days my insides have been rejecting all that I attempt to put in. What is it that the Indigo Girls say: "We're better off for all that we let in..." ??? Yeah, well, I'm better off not putting anything in.

Probably the worst part of all this is writing sub plans. I never know who I'm going to get. I worry about my kids because they just can't handle a sub. They're too needy. And I know all their freakish quirks. And I have a high tolerance for their insanity. No one can do my job... not with these kids.

So, I mailed off the plans to Sarah and Sandy in the hopes that they make it into the hands of a capable human being. My anal retention went so far as to script the ENTIRE math lesson for tomorrow. YOY!

In better news... only a week until my Portfolio is due and my Master's is complete. I think I will use the time tomorrow to get all of the writing finished. Then I can do any last minute teaching and videotaping next week. I plan to have that baby in the mail first thing next Saturday morning. Then I am going to sleep. Okay, maybe not. I'll clean my house. Go for a walk. Actually DO some scrapping.

Alright. I'd better get to bed. But, before I do, I must share this adorable picture of DH and DFiL who made ravioli over Christmas. More on that later.

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Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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