Reason 1743 why I LOVE my husband

So, last night we were laying in bed watching "One Week to Save Your Marriage" on TLC. Just winding down and falling asleep, really. Zach was cracking up at the husband on the show -- his childishness, the way he yelled at his wife about listening -- it really was quite funny. Somehow, our conversation rolled around to this:

"So, babe, do you think we need to go on and save our marriage?" I asked, laughing.
"If we have to do something like that, make sure it's that show with Chip Foose!" was his reply.

I laughed soooo hard! We don't need marriage help, but to think that if we did, he would want to get help on Overhaulin' with Chip Foose!

I love this man!

1 Say something::

Melissa said...

such a cool picture!

and lol at the show. I always wonder if those people regret having all their quirks and faults on TV like that.

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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