Zach's Birthday Weekend

We had such a great time in Cloudland Canyon State Park, camping and celebrating Zach's 29th birthday. In 10 years, we have never camped alone together. This year, for my birthday, Zach bought me a tent. So, now we have no excuse! This trip was lots of fun, except for the freezing rain on Sunday morning. Kharma loved being able to run around -- she loves to go on hikes!

Some highlights:

Kharma, enjoying her hike

Zach and me in front of the waterfall
The waterfall at the bottom of the canyon.
Our Saturday night campfire
I think we did pretty well for our first trip out. We didn't forget anything too important... except that I forgot to pack underwear! Ridiculous! Fortunately, I was able to wash the pair I brought in the shower room. Then I let them dry by the fire. I didn't do too badly "roughing it." And, surprisingly, I can't wait to go again!

4 Say something::

scrappeabarbie said...

My first comment. Thanks! You made my day! Of all things to forget....your underwear! Doesn't that just figure! ?

Anonymous said...

Great photos and beautiful place!!

marianne said...

Great photos! Glad you had a good time - except for the missing undies, of course. ;) Camping is fun, isn't it?

Love your pooch's name - cute.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful scene! Hopefully you didn't have too much trouble getting the fire started with the rain... Once we had to use a book we had in the car as try tinder! It was a crappy book, so I didn't mind... :-)

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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