Becoming a Life Artist

So, I'm back from CKU-Albums. What an awesome, amazing, fabulous, (insert your choice of excited adjective here) experience! 4 days surrounded by women who love to do what I love to do. New friends, new experiences, new life lessons learned. I took the album class "A Week in the Life" with Ali Edwards. Wow. Just wow. She is a total inspiration and someone that I admire now more than ever. Enjoyed watching Cathy Zielske's antics. What a completely fun person. Her personality just exudes, well, fun. I stalked Tim Holtz, but not really. I know he doesn't bat for my team, but he sure is nice to look at! And, now, officially the cutest scrapartist out there: Ginger Rohlfs. I'll have to get a pic from Mandy. She's just adorable!

So, as soon as blogger lets me, I will post the pictures from this awesome weekend...

1 Say something::

Oberon said... do you do it?

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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