Monday Music Mambo

Monday Music Mambo - Week 109
Today is opinion day, so give me your opinion on . . .

Country Music. Tolerate it. I mean, I enjoy the Dixie Chicks, I can handle some crossover, but I cannot do twangy men or women. No twang. Period.

The Beatles. Love 'em. How can you not? Though, I must say, I am more of an early fan rather than later. The acid music doesn't rock for me as much as the bubble gum. Sang em at my wedding reception, had em sung at my wedding, sang em at my senior recital in college. Can't go wrong with Lennon and McCartney.

Synthesizers. Yeah. Not too sure about this. Good if used properly, suck if used for everything.

Banjos. If its bluegrass, hell yeah. If it's Deliverance, hell nah!

Ray Charles. God is love. Love is blind. Ray Charles is blind. Ergo, Ray Charles is God. QED.

Heavy Metal. Married a metal head. Can only take so much before my head starts pounding. But I'm willing to listen... for a while... and a price.

"Stairway To Heaven" Why not? Yeah, it's a cliche. Yeah, everyone learns to play it on guitar. Soooo... why the hell not? It wants to be a good song. Really.

Violins. Only if they're in tune. 'Nuff said.

Bruce Springsteen. He's the Boss. Not Tony Danza. American Spirit at its finest. And, he's a Jersey boy. A man after my own heart. Love him.

The Blues Blues riffs, good. BB King, good. Using blues progressions in all forms of music, good. Blues sung by white women who think they're sexy, not good. <-- You can Mambo, too!

2 Say something::

Russ said...

Thanks for mamboing!

Anonymous said...

Loved the proof! LOL! :)

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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