Thursday Thunks

Welcome to the June 24th version of Thursday Thunks!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the number 1559 and the color calico.

1. Someone knocks at your door. You answer it. It's a kid from the local school selling candy bars for a fundraiser. Do you buy one? I buy two or three. But I have to write a check.

2. The end of the world is tomorrow and you are out of milk - do you go buy some? Of course! Gotta feed the baby while we still have today!

3. Have you ever picked up the phone and called someone that you hadn't talked to in years? No, but I've Facebooked them. Does that count? But really, that's a comment on technology today and how it keeps us from making personal connections. It's kind of sad if you think about it for too long... so I won't... moving on...

4. Whats on your computer desktop background? A picture of Bella in a green shirt, outside, holding her Daddy's hand.

5. What was the very first movie you saw in a movie theater? The first that I remember is Back to the Future, but it might've been Annie. I don't remember seeing it in the theater; however, we didn't have a VCR at the time and it was my favorite movie.

6. If you had to take a 10th grade science test, do you think you would pass? Probably not. I did great in Chemistry, but it has gone right out of my head!

7. Describe heaven. Sunny and 70 with a light breeze. It looks a lot like New Zealand on the Hauraki Gulf. All the people I love surround me -- they all get along -- and none of them make me mad. I've learned how to play the guitar and sing at the local coffee shop on Wednesday nights.

8. Has a place that you lived ever been infested with some sort of insect or rodent? No, but after I moved out, there was a bit of a rat problem. My SIL came home to one sitting on the kitchen table. EEEEEW!

9. When you were a youngin', did you hide in the clothes racks at department stores? Who didn't?

10. Is there anything in your vehicle that is broken? Hmmmm... yeah. The vent in the console on the drivers' side sticks and won't stay where I put it.

11. What is something in your house that people would be surprised to find? a treadmill

12. Do you agree with the death penalty? In theory, yes. In reality, no. I just don't agree with killing people. Period.

13. Whats your favorite type of bear? Okay, when I first read this, I thought it asked about my favorite type of beEr. I thought, eeew... I don't drink beer. I drink pear cider. Then I realized that it says beAr, and now I'm at a bit of a loss. Pandas, though not bears, are probably my favorite. If I have to choose and ACTUAL bear, I would pick the brown bears you find in the mountains of North Georgia.

14. Where was the last place you went? To Z's shop to drop off his notebook, then to the Farmers' Market, then to Kroger. It was a big excursion.

15. What if that person knocking at your door earlier was an adult selling candy bars... would you buy one? Nope. I probably wouldn't even answer the door if Z wasn't here. I'm chicken like that.

3 Say something::

Anonymous said...

I dont' agree with the death penalty either.

Berleen said...

Welcome to TT!! Have a great week.....

ViolinMama said...

I'm with you on the death penalty...I wish it could work, without another death. I really struggle. So many of these made me laugh in a great way cause I love your sense of humor and as for #15 - that is SOOOO me! I don't answer the door unless I know you are coming, or know who you are. God bless me if police come to evacuate me with firemen for a gas leak in the whole neighborhood. I'll just assume they are fake people, won't answer the door, and be at my own peril LOL!

Much love!

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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