Thirty Years Later

Yep. Yesterday was the big day: my big 3-0! Hard to believe that I'm entering the fourth decade of my life, but harder to believe that I feel so young. When my brother and sister turned thirty (16 and 15 years ago, respectively), it seemed like thirty was OLD. Now that I'm here, I feel like it's so YOUNG. 30 is a good round number, and I know it's going to be a fantastic year.

M came into town 2 weeks ago for a long weekend... a kickoff to my birthday celebrations. It felt good to spend time with my BFF... talking about everything, solving none of the world's problems, laughing the entire time. She also got some much needed time with Bella.

We celebrated again while visiting the in-laws in Oregon. Grandpa spoiled me with one of Grandma's amethyst rings -- talk about speechless. And, Mom and Dad gave me some spendin' cash. Along with good food and good conversation, it was a great way to celebrate.

Zach, on the other hand outdid himself this year. Last night he cooked me dinner (something he never does) and then brought me to Costco to pick up this baby:

Hooray! So excited to play with my new toy. We're also planning a trip to Florida sometime this fall or early winter. Cannot wait!

On Monday I'm getting together with the Clan at the Compound for celebration of my birthday, the twins' 7th birthday, and PopPop Normy's birthday. Just a good old Labor Day cookout with the whole famdamily.

Yep. Thirty years old feels pretty good.

3 Say something::

Kate said...

Happy 30! Doesn't it feel great??? Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! The pants and vest are done - you picked a rockin thread - hi to Dad and the Baby KH

.jessica jo. said...

welcome to big 3-0 club! happy birthday! congrats on your new camera!!!! have fun!!!

La- said...

VERY COOL CAMErA! And yay to a new adventure in age! The 30;s are the best! I promise! :)

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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