
So, Bonnie @2Peas has posted this challenge: Blog about the things in life that are offensive to you... do you take offense easily, or not????

I'm a jokester -- there's not doubt about that. And I tend to say things that can be offensive or embarrass people. I wouldn't say that I'm easily offended, but there are some things that, if said, set me off.

1. These kids can't learn. They can't do it.
I'm a teacher, a teachers' teacher, and above all, an advocate for children. Don't tell me These kids can't... All children can and will as long as I am around. It might take some patience, some extra support, a different viewpoint, a different method, but ALL KIDS CAN!

2. That woman needs to lose a few.
As a woman who is overweight -- and not by a little -- this makes me NUTS! Don't tell me that a woman who has a little extra skin here and there needs to lose weight. It is a daily, uphill battle for me. People who say She needs to lose a few obviously have NEVER struggled with it. So, shut up! Are you a doctor? Since when does your opinion matter? (Okay, I need to exhale -- got a little worked up there...)

3. Addressing many when you only need to address a few.
Okay, so hypothetical and silly situation here, but a good way to illustrate my point: Several people at the office are not covering their mouths when they sneeze. The bossman knows exactly who these people are. He sees them daily. Other workers have complained, and he has made a note of it. Finally, during the height of cold season, the bossman gets really ticked off because these people are sneezing a LOT, and no one is covering her/his mouth. So, he writes an angry memo. One that states, "The next person who sneezes without covering his/her mouth will receive a letter of reprimand." Instead of sending it to the offenders, he sends it to the ENTIRE staff, as though ALL of them have committed this offense. This bothers me so much, and it offends me when I am the one who has not committed the offense. Talk to the people whom you are angry with; don't bother me with it when I've done nothing wrong.

So, in the spirit of offense, I invite you to rent a Carlos Mencia DVD, listen to one of his CDs or watch his TV show on Comedy Central. You will be offended. And then you will laugh. We're all offenders. Carlos Mencia shows us just how STUPID we sound when we offend.

3 Say something::

Lynn said...

What a great post Tess. I agree with you on #1. All children can learn, and don't tell me that they can't. I'm not a teacher, but I am a mom of 4 children who are all different and all learned different. 2 of my children have learning disabilities so I really do know 1st hand. You are a great role model. Keep up the great work you do.

Bonita Rose said...

loved your post! just loved it!

Heather said...

In response to #3... you know my principal!!! She totally does that! ALL THE TIME! We have one teacher. ONE. Who always wears a THONG hanging out! Do you think the principal can address just her??? NO! We all have to her about professional dress. It would make so much sense to just tell her to keep her pants up so her poor 2nd graders don't see her undies!

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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