meme challenge -- 10 Quirky Things About Me

I first ask myself--what ISN'T weird about me???? But I guess these would be the top 10:

1. I LOVE to eat popcorn and M&Ms mixed.
2. I wear my wedding ring and my class ring all day long, but as soon as I get home, they come off!
3. I have this thing I do with my hair... I always run my hands through it. Sometimes, though, it makes the front of my hair stick up.
4. I have specific places for each of the items in the refrigerator -- like the milk goes on the top left in the front and the eggs go on the second shelf on the far left. Yes, I know, they make medicine for that!

5. I am anal-retentive about my handwriting.
6. I make lists for everything -- I make lists for menus, for to-dos, for the future, for what I've already finished....
7. I have to honk when I blow my nose or I don't feel like I've actually blown my nose.
8. I like to have my toes pulled and "cracked."
9. I can sing along to pretty much any song that comes on the radio.
10. I have to close the tops of the products in my bathroom -- like the shampoo, body wash, conditioner, and toothpaste flip-cap. Leaving them open is not even an option!

0 Say something::

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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