So, I'm printing. Sitting here, doing nothing... printing. I think this might take all night. Zach is watching some James Bond movie -- the one that Austin Powers seems to be mostly based on -- and here I sit.
The kids absolutely wore me out this week. I think part of my problem is that I now have 20 children and 1 adult student in my class. Not only am I catering to the needs of third grade learners, I now cater to the needs of a student teacher. I'm hoping that next week will be better because this damn portfolio will be done.
I've been reading other blogs, and I've decided that this one is decidedly boring. Why? I don't feel like I have much to say. It's good for me to write everyday, but there hasn't been much new going on. No funny quips from the kids, nothing exciting, really. And, I don't want to bore you with the silly details of the triumphs and tribulations of my kiddos' everyday lives.
I'm getting excited about the 2Peas Atlanta crop next weekend. Then, after that, I'm going to a Miss America party. Yes, Miss America. Laura and Julie thought up this whole idea last year. Mandy and I didn't go... can't really recall why, but this year I'm DEFNINITELY IN! Part of the party is to wear an evening gown and to perform a "talent." So, I've been thinking, what will my talent be? What state will I represent? I think I've come up with a winner: The state: New Jersey. The talent: BIG HAIR. Being that I'm originally from NJ, I thought this would be original... naturally, being from NJ, north Jersey in particular, it would only follow that I would have big hair, right? So, I guess I will work on my talent this week, and hopefully have it perfected by next week. I promise to post pictures!!!
Wow. Look at me. For not much to write about, I've sure put down a LOT.
Maybe I don't suck after all.... hehehehehehe...
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