Yes, I have the flu. No, I didn't get a flu shot. Yes, I feel dumb. No, it wasn't a very smart idea.
But, here I am. Currently it's 3:45 A.M., and I am awake. Wide awake. I went to the doctor on Wednesday A.M. with a fever of 100.1, chills, and aches all over. My nose hasn't stopped running.
Have you ever had a flu swab? Not a pleasant experience. The tech came in (after the doctor informed me that I would need one) with a long cotton swab like the ones they use for strep tests. Here I'm thinking -- this is easy -- just open up and say aah! So, I asked, "throat?" Her answer, "No. I have to swab your nose." Okay, I'm thinking, a little swipe around the nose, not biggy. Yeah. She didn't say she'd be scraping my sinuses! Alright, it wasn't that bad, but it was pretty heinous. I kept moving my head back as the swab protruded further. Stop moving! she said. Yeah, let me put this thing up your nose until your eyes water and then tell YOU to stop moving.
Soooooo, here I am, out of work until Monday. This is a really bad thing. My poor student teacher, Suzanne, is busy working her butt off --- and not really ready to take over the class. My students are total jerks when I'm not there -- typical, but wrong. And there is sooooo much that needs to get done! On top of all that, I've already missed 2 and 1/2 days this month. WAY not cool.
I guess I'm going to just stick it out. Take my medicine. Eat soup. Drink juice. And use this time to lose more weight.
4 Say something::
:( sorry to hear you are under the weather! Feel better soon!!!
Feel better soon, girl. And try not to worry about the state of things when you get back - you'll just make yourself feel worse. Just down that TheraFlu and get some rest. :)
ahh-that nose cotton swab bit sounds terrible. I hope you get better asap!
scary about that swab thing-ie. You've convience me not to ever get one.
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