I'm done with my Master's degree on Saturday!!!
Yes, I'm shouting it from the mountain tops! I am finishing up the teaching and videotaping, getting everything put together, and mailing that bitch out on Saturday morning. Then it will be par-tay, par-tay, par-tay!
On top of that, I was offered a new job today -- a job I've been drooling over for a month or so now... I am going to be a literacy support specialist for second and third grades! Hooray!!! This means that I get to go to New York for training at Columbia University in February and probably again in July. Can I just say that I LOVE my job!
On the flip side, I can't seem to shake this stomach thing. Melissa joked with me about pregnancy... I DON'T think so! But, it is very annoying to feel better then get sick at work this morning. My poor student teacher, Suzanne, gave me a look of horror when I said, "Could you get them ready for Writing Workshop while I go into the bathroom and throw up?" What a great way to start a morning! Especially on her first day in the classroom! Sheesh! Going to the doctor on Wednesday... hope I can find something out.
Speaking of going to the doctor...
What's up with doctors these days? I called and said, "I've been nauseous and throwing up (among other things) since last Wednesday, and I was wondering if someone could see me today or tomorrow morning." Yeah... the earliest they could get me in is Wednesday.... WEDNESDAY?!?!? Do you have to be on your death bed for them to fit you in for an emergency appointment??????? I guess they figured if it was that bad, I would go to the emergency room. BUT, if it isn't bad enough for the emergency room, aren't THEY supposed to see me? Isn't that the POINT of having a doctor to go to? I just don't get it.
Well, I'd better head upstairs and get ready for tomorrow and hit the sack. It's going to be another long one.
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