"I don't think it is a novel," Frey said of his book, which had initially been offered to publishers, and rejected by many, as fiction. "I still think it's a memoir." --ABC News
Wow. I was so moved by this book. Correction. I am moved by this book. I have recommended it to many people. I picked it up because it made such an impact on Mandy. She and I raved about it so much that Zach wants to read it. I gave it to my mother-in-law to read. It was that powerful.
So, what do I think about this "controversy?" Well, this is what I teach my students: Writers sometimes make things up to make their stories more interesting. When I am writing dialogue, I don't always remember the exact words that I said or that were said to me. I may not always get it in the right order, but it's my memory and my story -- that's what is most important.
A Million Little Pieces was not touted as an autobiography. Frey and the publishing house called it a Memoir. It is Frey's memory of what happened to him in the days leading up to, during, and after his recovery. The man was on how many different kinds of drugs and addicted to alcohol! How could all of his memories be completely accurate?
In truth, I'm disappointed in Oprah for the way she handled the negative press. Make a statement. Be done. Don't call the man on to your show and then make an ass out of him on national television. The poor man sat there like a child answering to an angry parent. Yes, Oprah has a right to be angry. But the way she handled it was just a bit much for me. Please. It's a book. It's not her entire career.
I will continue to argue this point: if the book touched you, if it made you think or see things in a new light then it did its job. Novacain, weeks in jail, and the manner in which Lilly committed suicide are small details compared to the mountain that Frey overcame.
I still love the book. I still recommend it.
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Yeah, I think she overdid it too. It was making me uncomfortable watching him being uncomfortable. She was being rude to Nan/ his publisher too. But Nan seemed like a classy lady and kept her cool. If I were James I probably would have said live I'd donate a portion of the profits to her Angel Network to shut her up some.
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