I find myself asking this question more and more lately. Two incidents have brought it up again:
1. My 10-year-old niece was caught signing her mother's name to a failing paper sent home by the teacher.
2. My 6-year-old niece and nephew (adopted, not twins) were kicked out of swimming lessons because they misbehaved and stirred up the whole class. Kicked out. Not just asked to sit by the side of the pool or leave for the day. Kicked out. Permanently.
Here's that question again: What have my brother and sister done to raise their children that I will not do? How will I do things differently?
So far my answers include, but are not limited to:
1. Limit TV time. There will be a TV in my house, but it will not be on all the time, nor will it be the video babysitter. We will not have cable. I said as much to my sister, and her statement was, "But I like my music." Buy an ipod. Get Sirius. Then, get serious!
2. My children will not get everything they ask for. Heck, they might even have to -- get this -- WORK a little bit before getting it. I have never seen so many children with so much. All 7 of my nieces and nephews have everything they want. They ask. They receive. I wish my life was so easy!
3. I will not question my husband in front of my children. Both sets of parents do this -- talk about damaging to their children. Then the kids think THEY can question their parents or that one parent has more control than the other. If we don't present a united front and act as a team, raising the children together is pointless. We may as well live in different houses in different states and share the children by the week.
4. My children will know that their father is the most important person in my life. I have seen this with my siblings, and more recently a close friend. As soon as children came along, their partner became second fiddle. I'm sorry, but I always knew that my mother was #1 to my father. I felt loved. I felt safe. But I was not the most important person in my parents' lives. The universe did not revolve around me. I grew up to be a normal, well adjusted human being. My children will, too.
In some ways, I hate it that I have to watch my brother and sister raise their children, but in other ways, it is good for me. Zach and I can really decide what we want to do and try it out. Learn from the mistakes of those who have gone before us.
And, in case you're wondering, I DO have baby fever! Just a few more months and several more pounds, and we can begin thinking about it!
James Frey on Oprah
on Thursday, January 26, 2006
Comments: (1)

"I don't think it is a novel," Frey said of his book, which had initially been offered to publishers, and rejected by many, as fiction. "I still think it's a memoir." --ABC News
Wow. I was so moved by this book. Correction. I am moved by this book. I have recommended it to many people. I picked it up because it made such an impact on Mandy. She and I raved about it so much that Zach wants to read it. I gave it to my mother-in-law to read. It was that powerful.
So, what do I think about this "controversy?" Well, this is what I teach my students: Writers sometimes make things up to make their stories more interesting. When I am writing dialogue, I don't always remember the exact words that I said or that were said to me. I may not always get it in the right order, but it's my memory and my story -- that's what is most important.
A Million Little Pieces was not touted as an autobiography. Frey and the publishing house called it a Memoir. It is Frey's memory of what happened to him in the days leading up to, during, and after his recovery. The man was on how many different kinds of drugs and addicted to alcohol! How could all of his memories be completely accurate?
In truth, I'm disappointed in Oprah for the way she handled the negative press. Make a statement. Be done. Don't call the man on to your show and then make an ass out of him on national television. The poor man sat there like a child answering to an angry parent. Yes, Oprah has a right to be angry. But the way she handled it was just a bit much for me. Please. It's a book. It's not her entire career.
I will continue to argue this point: if the book touched you, if it made you think or see things in a new light then it did its job. Novacain, weeks in jail, and the manner in which Lilly committed suicide are small details compared to the mountain that Frey overcame.
I still love the book. I still recommend it.
Comments: (4)
This sucks!
<----- This is the flu virus.
Yes, I have the flu. No, I didn't get a flu shot. Yes, I feel dumb. No, it wasn't a very smart idea.
But, here I am. Currently it's 3:45 A.M., and I am awake. Wide awake. I went to the doctor on Wednesday A.M. with a fever of 100.1, chills, and aches all over. My nose hasn't stopped running.
Have you ever had a flu swab? Not a pleasant experience. The tech came in (after the doctor informed me that I would need one) with a long cotton swab like the ones they use for strep tests. Here I'm thinking -- this is easy -- just open up and say aah! So, I asked, "throat?" Her answer, "No. I have to swab your nose." Okay, I'm thinking, a little swipe around the nose, not biggy. Yeah. She didn't say she'd be scraping my sinuses! Alright, it wasn't that bad, but it was pretty heinous. I kept moving my head back as the swab protruded further. Stop moving! she said. Yeah, let me put this thing up your nose until your eyes water and then tell YOU to stop moving.
Soooooo, here I am, out of work until Monday. This is a really bad thing. My poor student teacher, Suzanne, is busy working her butt off --- and not really ready to take over the class. My students are total jerks when I'm not there -- typical, but wrong. And there is sooooo much that needs to get done! On top of all that, I've already missed 2 and 1/2 days this month. WAY not cool.
I guess I'm going to just stick it out. Take my medicine. Eat soup. Drink juice. And use this time to lose more weight.

Yes, I have the flu. No, I didn't get a flu shot. Yes, I feel dumb. No, it wasn't a very smart idea.
But, here I am. Currently it's 3:45 A.M., and I am awake. Wide awake. I went to the doctor on Wednesday A.M. with a fever of 100.1, chills, and aches all over. My nose hasn't stopped running.
Have you ever had a flu swab? Not a pleasant experience. The tech came in (after the doctor informed me that I would need one) with a long cotton swab like the ones they use for strep tests. Here I'm thinking -- this is easy -- just open up and say aah! So, I asked, "throat?" Her answer, "No. I have to swab your nose." Okay, I'm thinking, a little swipe around the nose, not biggy. Yeah. She didn't say she'd be scraping my sinuses! Alright, it wasn't that bad, but it was pretty heinous. I kept moving my head back as the swab protruded further. Stop moving! she said. Yeah, let me put this thing up your nose until your eyes water and then tell YOU to stop moving.
Soooooo, here I am, out of work until Monday. This is a really bad thing. My poor student teacher, Suzanne, is busy working her butt off --- and not really ready to take over the class. My students are total jerks when I'm not there -- typical, but wrong. And there is sooooo much that needs to get done! On top of all that, I've already missed 2 and 1/2 days this month. WAY not cool.
I guess I'm going to just stick it out. Take my medicine. Eat soup. Drink juice. And use this time to lose more weight.
Hugh Laurie in February's Oprah and Books...
on Friday, January 20, 2006
Comments: (1)
Okay. I'll admit it. I'm addicted to House. I LOVE Hugh Laurie. He's handsome and funny and has a great American accent... though I prefer his real accent any day.
So, you can imagine my excitement when I saw that February's issue of Oprah featured "Books that Made a Difference to Hugh Laurie." As I was reading his comments, this really struck me:
...Then there are the books that shine in my memory, milestones along the horizontal course of my life. I remember not just the books themselves, but the chair that I sat in, the shoes I wore, the woman I loved, what song was on the charts at the time. None of which makes them good books, exactly, although all of them are -- it just means that they are mine. They really happened.
Amazing. This statement speaks to me on so many levels... first, my own love of books and the places that they take me. Sitting on my sister's lap, reading The Night Before Christmas. Talking with my friend, Chrissie, in 6th grade about Homecoming and Dicey's Song. Sitting on the bay in Auckland, reading the His Dark Materials series. The breakfast at Mel and Todd's when we talked about The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. It's amazing how books take me back. Wayne's screaming sarcasm as we discussed The Time Traveler's Wife. Defining moments. Memories. Steps along the "horizontal course of life."
And now, this is what I want to give my students. I want them to remember the first time we read Skippyjon Jones. I want them to feel what Tomie felt as we read The Art Lesson and what Trisha felt when we read Thank You, Mr. Falker. Books hold so much more than characters and plot.
It's a love affair I just can't shake.
So, you can imagine my excitement when I saw that February's issue of Oprah featured "Books that Made a Difference to Hugh Laurie." As I was reading his comments, this really struck me:
...Then there are the books that shine in my memory, milestones along the horizontal course of my life. I remember not just the books themselves, but the chair that I sat in, the shoes I wore, the woman I loved, what song was on the charts at the time. None of which makes them good books, exactly, although all of them are -- it just means that they are mine. They really happened.
Amazing. This statement speaks to me on so many levels... first, my own love of books and the places that they take me. Sitting on my sister's lap, reading The Night Before Christmas. Talking with my friend, Chrissie, in 6th grade about Homecoming and Dicey's Song. Sitting on the bay in Auckland, reading the His Dark Materials series. The breakfast at Mel and Todd's when we talked about The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. It's amazing how books take me back. Wayne's screaming sarcasm as we discussed The Time Traveler's Wife. Defining moments. Memories. Steps along the "horizontal course of life."
And now, this is what I want to give my students. I want them to remember the first time we read Skippyjon Jones. I want them to feel what Tomie felt as we read The Art Lesson and what Trisha felt when we read Thank You, Mr. Falker. Books hold so much more than characters and plot.
It's a love affair I just can't shake.
Another Meme challenge from 2Peas
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List 10 things that bring you comfort:
1. being wrapped in a hug from Zach
2. my pillow
3. Luna purring in my ear at night
4. the smell of my mom
5. pajama pants
6. warm socks
7. the afghan zach's mom made for us
8. conversations with Mandy
9. dinner with my family (parents, brothers, sisters, nieces & nephews)
10. chocolate (although I'm really trying to break this one!)
1. being wrapped in a hug from Zach
2. my pillow
3. Luna purring in my ear at night
4. the smell of my mom
5. pajama pants
6. warm socks
7. the afghan zach's mom made for us
8. conversations with Mandy
9. dinner with my family (parents, brothers, sisters, nieces & nephews)
10. chocolate (although I'm really trying to break this one!)
I am the happiest woman alive!
on Tuesday, January 17, 2006
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Yesterday, Zach put in the new dishwasher! I have been hand-washing our dishes since before Christmas. Yes, I know that there are worse things in life, but it makes me so very happy that we now have a dishwasher. I'm an insanely busy person, and the dishwasher is just one convenience item that I cannot live without.
2Peas Meme Challenge: Rejecting Perfection
Comments: (1)
What a great idea! Growing up, I felt I had to do everything perfectly. Yet, I was so incredibly IMperfect.
So, here are my five... If I didn't have to do it perfectly, I'd try:
1. auditioning for a musical
2. sewing a quilt
3. ice skating
4. baking and decorating a wedding cake
5. professional photography
So, here are my five... If I didn't have to do it perfectly, I'd try:
1. auditioning for a musical
2. sewing a quilt
3. ice skating
4. baking and decorating a wedding cake
5. professional photography
A Very Kharma Christmas
on Monday, January 16, 2006
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I know that these are a bit late, but I finally downloaded them from the camera. Here are some fun pics of my baby girl opening her Christmas present from her Oregon "grandparents." This is only her second Christmas, so she's still learning how to open her gifts. She did a great job!
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As part of my M.S. completion celebration, I went for a manicure and pedicure. There is nothing better than sitting for an hour while two women pamper you with lotions and massages. The best part was the cool design on my toes -- snowflakes! Here is closer, albeit worse, picture of one of my groovy snowflakes:
Since it's ASS cold outside... and the middle of winter, I will be the only person to truly enjoy my fun little snowflakes. But, it makes me happy just to know they're there.
For those foot-phobics out there, I apologize for this post. But I had to share.
Reasons I LOVE Sunday
on Sunday, January 15, 2006
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Sunday Mornings
It's Sunday morning, just before 9AM. This is my favorite time of week. Why?
1. Zach sleeps in and I get time to slowly drink my cup of coffee, check email, watch the news, and catch up on some quiet "me" time.
2. The whole house is quiet. Kharma stays in bed with Zach, so she hasn't begun her lickfest yet.
3. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything anytime soon. I can totally take my time and face the day when I'm good and ready.
4. Xerxes and Luna (the cats) take turns visiting with me, sitting in my lap, and relaxing -- this is NOT something they normally do. It's like they've decided this is "Mommy time."
5. It's the beginning of a new week -- a clean slate -- I can start fresh and begin again.
Just amazing.
Last night...
I had a HUGE disappointment last night. Since I finished my MS (praise to Allah!), Mandy, Zach, and I were going out for a fun dinner before Billy's show at Smith's. So, here I am, ready to take a carb blocker and enjoy some yummy food... We pick up Mandy, and she's excited, too -- we're going to Bridgetown Grill. Now, if you've never been to Bridgetown, you don't know what you're missing! They make all sorts of amazing Carribbean food -- my favorite is their jerk chicken over nachos with black bean and cheese soup. Delectable. So, I'm pumped. We're driving there. My mouth is watering. I'm thinking: nachos, soup, mangorita, nachos, soup, mangorita... and then... we get ready to see how packed it is before we park... and... IT'S CLOSED! Not closed for the night. Not closed for the weekend --- CLOSED. Permanently. Empty. Barren. Gone. (Cue the lonely cowboy whistle and tumbleweeds rolling by in the dust.) How could this happen???????? Needless to say, a very disappointed group of people continued right by the once warm and inviting restaurant and drove to Smith's. Where I ate a burger. Yay. (Can you sense my disappointment?)
But things got better...
Billy's show was awesome. We always enjoy seeing him play. And we got a real treat -- Heather Luttrell. So, long story short -- went to elementary school with the girl. Haven't seen her since. She hooked up with Lefty (the guy Billy plays with) and all 3 of them had a show together last night. She was AMAZING! I did not know the girl had pipes like that! It was effortless. She just opened her mouth and the music came out -- this strong, powerful, raspy yet sometimes quiet, melodic voice came out. It was like she wasn't even trying. I'm so jealous! I wish singing came that easily to me! I think I may rush out and buy her new album. Start my own cult following.
So, there it is. My beautiful Sunday morning.
It's Sunday morning, just before 9AM. This is my favorite time of week. Why?
1. Zach sleeps in and I get time to slowly drink my cup of coffee, check email, watch the news, and catch up on some quiet "me" time.
2. The whole house is quiet. Kharma stays in bed with Zach, so she hasn't begun her lickfest yet.
3. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything anytime soon. I can totally take my time and face the day when I'm good and ready.
4. Xerxes and Luna (the cats) take turns visiting with me, sitting in my lap, and relaxing -- this is NOT something they normally do. It's like they've decided this is "Mommy time."
5. It's the beginning of a new week -- a clean slate -- I can start fresh and begin again.
Just amazing.
Last night...
I had a HUGE disappointment last night. Since I finished my MS (praise to Allah!), Mandy, Zach, and I were going out for a fun dinner before Billy's show at Smith's. So, here I am, ready to take a carb blocker and enjoy some yummy food... We pick up Mandy, and she's excited, too -- we're going to Bridgetown Grill. Now, if you've never been to Bridgetown, you don't know what you're missing! They make all sorts of amazing Carribbean food -- my favorite is their jerk chicken over nachos with black bean and cheese soup. Delectable. So, I'm pumped. We're driving there. My mouth is watering. I'm thinking: nachos, soup, mangorita, nachos, soup, mangorita... and then... we get ready to see how packed it is before we park... and... IT'S CLOSED! Not closed for the night. Not closed for the weekend --- CLOSED. Permanently. Empty. Barren. Gone. (Cue the lonely cowboy whistle and tumbleweeds rolling by in the dust.) How could this happen???????? Needless to say, a very disappointed group of people continued right by the once warm and inviting restaurant and drove to Smith's. Where I ate a burger. Yay. (Can you sense my disappointment?)
But things got better...
Billy's show was awesome. We always enjoy seeing him play. And we got a real treat -- Heather Luttrell. So, long story short -- went to elementary school with the girl. Haven't seen her since. She hooked up with Lefty (the guy Billy plays with) and all 3 of them had a show together last night. She was AMAZING! I did not know the girl had pipes like that! It was effortless. She just opened her mouth and the music came out -- this strong, powerful, raspy yet sometimes quiet, melodic voice came out. It was like she wasn't even trying. I'm so jealous! I wish singing came that easily to me! I think I may rush out and buy her new album. Start my own cult following.
So, there it is. My beautiful Sunday morning.
on Friday, January 13, 2006
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So, I'm printing. Sitting here, doing nothing... printing. I think this might take all night. Zach is watching some James Bond movie -- the one that Austin Powers seems to be mostly based on -- and here I sit.
The kids absolutely wore me out this week. I think part of my problem is that I now have 20 children and 1 adult student in my class. Not only am I catering to the needs of third grade learners, I now cater to the needs of a student teacher. I'm hoping that next week will be better because this damn portfolio will be done.
I've been reading other blogs, and I've decided that this one is decidedly boring. Why? I don't feel like I have much to say. It's good for me to write everyday, but there hasn't been much new going on. No funny quips from the kids, nothing exciting, really. And, I don't want to bore you with the silly details of the triumphs and tribulations of my kiddos' everyday lives.
I'm getting excited about the 2Peas Atlanta crop next weekend. Then, after that, I'm going to a Miss America party. Yes, Miss America. Laura and Julie thought up this whole idea last year. Mandy and I didn't go... can't really recall why, but this year I'm DEFNINITELY IN! Part of the party is to wear an evening gown and to perform a "talent." So, I've been thinking, what will my talent be? What state will I represent? I think I've come up with a winner: The state: New Jersey. The talent: BIG HAIR. Being that I'm originally from NJ, I thought this would be original... naturally, being from NJ, north Jersey in particular, it would only follow that I would have big hair, right? So, I guess I will work on my talent this week, and hopefully have it perfected by next week. I promise to post pictures!!!
Wow. Look at me. For not much to write about, I've sure put down a LOT.
Maybe I don't suck after all.... hehehehehehe...
The kids absolutely wore me out this week. I think part of my problem is that I now have 20 children and 1 adult student in my class. Not only am I catering to the needs of third grade learners, I now cater to the needs of a student teacher. I'm hoping that next week will be better because this damn portfolio will be done.
I've been reading other blogs, and I've decided that this one is decidedly boring. Why? I don't feel like I have much to say. It's good for me to write everyday, but there hasn't been much new going on. No funny quips from the kids, nothing exciting, really. And, I don't want to bore you with the silly details of the triumphs and tribulations of my kiddos' everyday lives.
I'm getting excited about the 2Peas Atlanta crop next weekend. Then, after that, I'm going to a Miss America party. Yes, Miss America. Laura and Julie thought up this whole idea last year. Mandy and I didn't go... can't really recall why, but this year I'm DEFNINITELY IN! Part of the party is to wear an evening gown and to perform a "talent." So, I've been thinking, what will my talent be? What state will I represent? I think I've come up with a winner: The state: New Jersey. The talent: BIG HAIR. Being that I'm originally from NJ, I thought this would be original... naturally, being from NJ, north Jersey in particular, it would only follow that I would have big hair, right? So, I guess I will work on my talent this week, and hopefully have it perfected by next week. I promise to post pictures!!!
Wow. Look at me. For not much to write about, I've sure put down a LOT.
Maybe I don't suck after all.... hehehehehehe...
The Final Countdown
on Thursday, January 12, 2006
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Two Days to GO!!!
I can't believe it's finally getting here. I stayed after school today to finish my portfolio videos. After a week of learning how to use the Arabesk editing and DVD burning program, I am now an expert with two DVDs with production credit to my name. I even created a cool title screen with icons you can click on to get to the clips. I RULE!!!
So, right now, I'm gearing up for the final push. Tomorrow is finalizing and printing day. I have two assignments to finish up/write up tonight. I have the beginning essay to edit tomorrow. Then I print, compile, and mail!
In Other News...
The weight loss battle continues. I weighed in tonight, and I've lost more. The current total balance of weight GONE from my life is 8.25 pounds. Not bad, if you consider that over Christmas and New Year's I gained a pound. This means I lost it back... and then some! HOORAY!!
I'm planning to totally party on Saturday night at Billy's show. Many of the Book Club peeps are going to be there, and I've invited some pals from work along, too. With the new job announcement and finishing my MS, I think some SERIOUS partying must ensue. I just hope the alcoholic calories don't get the better of me. Perhaps I will fast on Sunday.
I think Zach is ready for dinner now... so, off I go!
I can't believe it's finally getting here. I stayed after school today to finish my portfolio videos. After a week of learning how to use the Arabesk editing and DVD burning program, I am now an expert with two DVDs with production credit to my name. I even created a cool title screen with icons you can click on to get to the clips. I RULE!!!
So, right now, I'm gearing up for the final push. Tomorrow is finalizing and printing day. I have two assignments to finish up/write up tonight. I have the beginning essay to edit tomorrow. Then I print, compile, and mail!
In Other News...
The weight loss battle continues. I weighed in tonight, and I've lost more. The current total balance of weight GONE from my life is 8.25 pounds. Not bad, if you consider that over Christmas and New Year's I gained a pound. This means I lost it back... and then some! HOORAY!!
I'm planning to totally party on Saturday night at Billy's show. Many of the Book Club peeps are going to be there, and I've invited some pals from work along, too. With the new job announcement and finishing my MS, I think some SERIOUS partying must ensue. I just hope the alcoholic calories don't get the better of me. Perhaps I will fast on Sunday.
I think Zach is ready for dinner now... so, off I go!
5 Days to Go!
on Monday, January 9, 2006
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I'm done with my Master's degree on Saturday!!!
Yes, I'm shouting it from the mountain tops! I am finishing up the teaching and videotaping, getting everything put together, and mailing that bitch out on Saturday morning. Then it will be par-tay, par-tay, par-tay!
On top of that, I was offered a new job today -- a job I've been drooling over for a month or so now... I am going to be a literacy support specialist for second and third grades! Hooray!!! This means that I get to go to New York for training at Columbia University in February and probably again in July. Can I just say that I LOVE my job!
On the flip side, I can't seem to shake this stomach thing. Melissa joked with me about pregnancy... I DON'T think so! But, it is very annoying to feel better then get sick at work this morning. My poor student teacher, Suzanne, gave me a look of horror when I said, "Could you get them ready for Writing Workshop while I go into the bathroom and throw up?" What a great way to start a morning! Especially on her first day in the classroom! Sheesh! Going to the doctor on Wednesday... hope I can find something out.
Speaking of going to the doctor...
What's up with doctors these days? I called and said, "I've been nauseous and throwing up (among other things) since last Wednesday, and I was wondering if someone could see me today or tomorrow morning." Yeah... the earliest they could get me in is Wednesday.... WEDNESDAY?!?!? Do you have to be on your death bed for them to fit you in for an emergency appointment??????? I guess they figured if it was that bad, I would go to the emergency room. BUT, if it isn't bad enough for the emergency room, aren't THEY supposed to see me? Isn't that the POINT of having a doctor to go to? I just don't get it.
Well, I'd better head upstairs and get ready for tomorrow and hit the sack. It's going to be another long one.
Yes, I'm shouting it from the mountain tops! I am finishing up the teaching and videotaping, getting everything put together, and mailing that bitch out on Saturday morning. Then it will be par-tay, par-tay, par-tay!
On top of that, I was offered a new job today -- a job I've been drooling over for a month or so now... I am going to be a literacy support specialist for second and third grades! Hooray!!! This means that I get to go to New York for training at Columbia University in February and probably again in July. Can I just say that I LOVE my job!
On the flip side, I can't seem to shake this stomach thing. Melissa joked with me about pregnancy... I DON'T think so! But, it is very annoying to feel better then get sick at work this morning. My poor student teacher, Suzanne, gave me a look of horror when I said, "Could you get them ready for Writing Workshop while I go into the bathroom and throw up?" What a great way to start a morning! Especially on her first day in the classroom! Sheesh! Going to the doctor on Wednesday... hope I can find something out.
Speaking of going to the doctor...
What's up with doctors these days? I called and said, "I've been nauseous and throwing up (among other things) since last Wednesday, and I was wondering if someone could see me today or tomorrow morning." Yeah... the earliest they could get me in is Wednesday.... WEDNESDAY?!?!? Do you have to be on your death bed for them to fit you in for an emergency appointment??????? I guess they figured if it was that bad, I would go to the emergency room. BUT, if it isn't bad enough for the emergency room, aren't THEY supposed to see me? Isn't that the POINT of having a doctor to go to? I just don't get it.
Well, I'd better head upstairs and get ready for tomorrow and hit the sack. It's going to be another long one.
Sick of Being Sick
on Thursday, January 5, 2006
Comments: (0)
Hello? (Do you hear the echo?)
Yeah... that's my incredibly empty stomach. Nothing will stay down. I'm OVER it! For two days my insides have been rejecting all that I attempt to put in. What is it that the Indigo Girls say: "We're better off for all that we let in..." ??? Yeah, well, I'm better off not putting anything in.
Probably the worst part of all this is writing sub plans. I never know who I'm going to get. I worry about my kids because they just can't handle a sub. They're too needy. And I know all their freakish quirks. And I have a high tolerance for their insanity. No one can do my job... not with these kids.
So, I mailed off the plans to Sarah and Sandy in the hopes that they make it into the hands of a capable human being. My anal retention went so far as to script the ENTIRE math lesson for tomorrow. YOY!
In better news... only a week until my Portfolio is due and my Master's is complete. I think I will use the time tomorrow to get all of the writing finished. Then I can do any last minute teaching and videotaping next week. I plan to have that baby in the mail first thing next Saturday morning. Then I am going to sleep. Okay, maybe not. I'll clean my house. Go for a walk. Actually DO some scrapping.
Alright. I'd better get to bed. But, before I do, I must share this adorable picture of DH and DFiL who made ravioli over Christmas. More on that later.
Yeah... that's my incredibly empty stomach. Nothing will stay down. I'm OVER it! For two days my insides have been rejecting all that I attempt to put in. What is it that the Indigo Girls say: "We're better off for all that we let in..." ??? Yeah, well, I'm better off not putting anything in.
Probably the worst part of all this is writing sub plans. I never know who I'm going to get. I worry about my kids because they just can't handle a sub. They're too needy. And I know all their freakish quirks. And I have a high tolerance for their insanity. No one can do my job... not with these kids.
So, I mailed off the plans to Sarah and Sandy in the hopes that they make it into the hands of a capable human being. My anal retention went so far as to script the ENTIRE math lesson for tomorrow. YOY!
In better news... only a week until my Portfolio is due and my Master's is complete. I think I will use the time tomorrow to get all of the writing finished. Then I can do any last minute teaching and videotaping next week. I plan to have that baby in the mail first thing next Saturday morning. Then I am going to sleep. Okay, maybe not. I'll clean my house. Go for a walk. Actually DO some scrapping.
Alright. I'd better get to bed. But, before I do, I must share this adorable picture of DH and DFiL who made ravioli over Christmas. More on that later.