Closing time... you don't have to go home...

but you can't pee here!

Yes. Another joy of home ownership -- the septic tank. Ours: full. Me: Not happy.

I kind of feel like a mastercard commercial right now:

Calling the Septic pump guys to your house: $0.35
Having them dig up your yard, open your tank and pump it: $600
Watching your shit disappear into a large truck: priceless

It was nasty, but necessary. I think my favorite part of the WHOLE process was not being able to go to the bathroom for 12 hours.

Oh wait -- actually, it was when we were done, Mr. Septic Man told me to flush each toilet 3 times. I also hopped on one foot and rubbed my belly for good luck -- it just seemed like a natural thing to do.

"In nomine potty, et fill-ed, et s'pumpitus sanctus..." It's all done now.

A clean septic tank is a happy septic tank.

1 Say something::

Sofia said...

LOL at the Master Card commercial! I guess apartment life has its advantages.

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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