Z has been completely exhauted at work this week. It might be the heat and humidity. It might be the pain in the butt job he just finished. Either way, he comes home sleepy as hell. This lends itself to some cuddle time with Bella. Love this picture of the two of them snuggling the other night.
This is our pal, Taylor. Z met Taylor 12 years ago when he arrived in Atlanta. Taylor and I both hit decade marks this August... he'll be 20, I'll be 30. Needless to say, we watched him grow up. He was super excited when our Bella arrived. So glad he was finally able to meet her today. He promised to tell her all his secrets on how to eat chocolate and get it all over Daddy's car and, later, how to sneak out without getting caught. Yes, we have only the BEST role models for our little one!
1 Say something::
What a sweet photo of your daughter with your friend. He looks so excited to be holding her.
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