Twelve years ago this month, I was in New Jersey holding my first niece, the baby I anticipated for so long, my sister's first child, my god-daughter. I spent a long 6 weeks with my sister, brother-in-law, and this new little wonder, getting to know her, bonding with her, and learning about what it takes to really care for a baby. I was in on it all... feedings, bathing, diaper changes, nap times... you name it, I did it. I was the live-in nanny. The world went on around me during that summer before I started college. I noticed nothing. Only the gorgeous new baby who was part of my life. I knew I wouldn't get to spend this kind of time with her again, so I made every moment count. So, here we are twelve years later, and that baby is the oldest of my parents' eight grandchildren. I was right. I never again did have long periods of time to spend with that little girl. But the summer I spent with her was well worth it. We bonded. She's my girl. That's why I loved having her meet my little girl. The other baby I waited for. The other baby I anticpated, my first child, my daughter, my Bella. Here's my "first" baby with my first baby. Both my girls, both so special to me:
I gave Z a lot of crap this weekend about the fact that there are tons of pictures of his parents with our child. Tons of pictures of him with our child. And none of me with my child. So, he snapped away. I liked this one best.
It happened after our "cousins" photo shoot... we got all of the kids together: M&M's five, L&G's two, and our little one for a picture for Grammy. The chaos and comedy ensued. I captured it all on video... for posterity. All in all, the kiddos did a great job of obliging their most annoying parents, "Smile! Smile for the camera! Eddie, if you don't smile, so help me! Sit up straight! Smile! Look here! Look at Uncle M! Eddie... I swear..." Z and I had a good laugh! As soon as I get a hold of a copy, I'll post it for the world to see.
Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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