In an effort to help feed the fam on July 4th, I headed to the Wal of Mart today to pick up some vittles. Not much, just some hot dogs and watermelon and the like. You know, Independence Day fare. It was a quick trip. It had to be... Bella was napping and I wanted to get in and out as fast a possible.
This is where I then ask, Why, WalMart, Why?!?!?! I can get thru the aisles of my friendly neighborhood store in about 20 minutes. And that's moving pretty slowly, as I don't know what's where. I don't really frequent Wally World... but today the deals were calling my name. So, shopping cart is filled with required food as well as some extras (beer for Z, shirts for me, a July 4th outfit for Bella) and we head to the checkout stand.
Could someone please explain to me why WalMart has 87,000,000 checkout lanes and only 2 are open and the cashiers at those 2 open lanes are taking their sweet-ass time? Why? Honestly? WTF?! They might roll back the prices, but I'd rather pay more and have better service than pay less and know it. Sweet Lord! So, 45 minutes later, we were out of there!
And I forgot the charcoal. Dammit. So, we hit the Kroger on the way home. Should've just gone there in the first place. Rollbacks are SO not worth it.
... end rant.
Enter my sleeping beauty. She's doing better... Longer naps today: Hooray! And, I've decided that she won't be an exclusively breastfed baby. This was a hard decision on my part, but since I don't seem to make enough milk to satisfy her all the time, and I don't want to starve her, it was the only real option. It's not horrible. Usually about 4-6 ounces of formula a day. Out of 25 total ounces, we're not doing too badly. Oh, and that doesn't count the 3 ounces she gets at night because I want to SLEEP! Sigh. The things they don't tell you about in school. Or on the net. Or at the hospital.
Sooo, here's to common sense, trusting yourself, and Similac Advance!

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