What Teachers Make
What Teachers Make
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Susan. Be honest. What do you make?"
Susan, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make?"
"I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall in absolute silence.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids wonder. I make them question. I make them criticize. I make them apologize and mean it. I make them write. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math and perfect their final drafts in writing.
I make them understand that if you have the brains, and follow your heart, and if someone ever tries to judge you by what you make, you must pay no attention because they just didn't learn."
Susan paused and then continued, "You want to know what I make?
I MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What do you make?"
10 years and counting...

And, the finished product...

What Christmas Carol Are You?
Take this quiz: Quizilla
I'm a jokester -- there's not doubt about that. And I tend to say things that can be offensive or embarrass people. I wouldn't say that I'm easily offended, but there are some things that, if said, set me off.
1. These kids can't learn. They can't do it.
I'm a teacher, a teachers' teacher, and above all, an advocate for children. Don't tell me These kids can't... All children can and will as long as I am around. It might take some patience, some extra support, a different viewpoint, a different method, but ALL KIDS CAN!
2. That woman needs to lose a few.
As a woman who is overweight -- and not by a little -- this makes me NUTS! Don't tell me that a woman who has a little extra skin here and there needs to lose weight. It is a daily, uphill battle for me. People who say She needs to lose a few obviously have NEVER struggled with it. So, shut up! Are you a doctor? Since when does your opinion matter? (Okay, I need to exhale -- got a little worked up there...)
3. Addressing many when you only need to address a few.
Okay, so hypothetical and silly situation here, but a good way to illustrate my point: Several people at the office are not covering their mouths when they sneeze. The bossman knows exactly who these people are. He sees them daily. Other workers have complained, and he has made a note of it. Finally, during the height of cold season, the bossman gets really ticked off because these people are sneezing a LOT, and no one is covering her/his mouth. So, he writes an angry memo. One that states, "The next person who sneezes without covering his/her mouth will receive a letter of reprimand." Instead of sending it to the offenders, he sends it to the ENTIRE staff, as though ALL of them have committed this offense. This bothers me so much, and it offends me when I am the one who has not committed the offense. Talk to the people whom you are angry with; don't bother me with it when I've done nothing wrong.
So, in the spirit of offense, I invite you to rent a Carlos Mencia DVD, listen to one of his CDs or watch his TV show on Comedy Central. You will be offended. And then you will laugh. We're all offenders. Carlos Mencia shows us just how STUPID we sound when we offend.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Christmas/New Years questionare | |
Christmas | |
Do you like christmas?: | I LOVE it! |
Whats your favorite part about christmas?: | Decorating my tree, Being with my family |
Who is your favorite person to spend christmas with?: | my husband and parents |
What time do you wake up in the morning on christmas day?: | depends on how late we were up the night before, but usually by 8 |
haha Do you believe in Santa?: | Definitely. |
Do you decorate a lot for christmas?: | I'm a moderate decorator. |
What your favorite christmas present?: | this is lame, but my cd changer for my car |
Do you send out christmas cards?: | yep -- I need to get started! |
Do you party on christmas day?: | nope -- lots of relaxation and family time. |
What is the true meaning of christmas?: | remembering to be there for those you love |
Favorite | |
Christmas Cookie?: | chocolate chip |
Person in the mager setup?: | the sheep |
christmas outfit?: | pajamas |
time on christmas day?: | christmas eve -- around 8 (everyone has eaten and we are chatting over coffee) |
Either | |
fake or real tree?: | i used to be a fake tree girl, but now it's REAL all the way! |
Lights/Decorations/Garlfand?: | TONS of white lights, silver and gold beaded garland, lots of ornaments from days gone by |
Wrapping presents or buying them?: | wrap them myself -- or make zach do it |
money or presents?: | presents |
spend christmas with family or friends?: | family |
white christmas or hot christmas?: | white christmas |
caroling or listening to carolers?: | caroling |
cocoa or cofee?: | cocoa |
blinking lights or regular?: | regular |
color lights or yellowish?: | WHITE |
manger or santa?: | both |
red or green?: | green |
Have you ever? | |
stolen anything on christmas day?: | hell no! |
Read the story of Jesus birth?: | yes |
Gotten drunk, high ect on christmas eve/day?: | comfortably buzzed |
Been a Mr. Scrooge?: | yep -- the first year my sister didn't come home for Christmas |
Donated to the homeless?: | yes |
Been exceptionaly cheery because its christmas?: | always -- it's kind of sick, actually |
New Yers | |
Where do you go?: | it depends -- usually to a friends' house |
party?: | do you consider playing games a party? |
do you get drunk?: | sometimes |
Do you go to clubs?: | Hell NO! |
have you ever been drunk and driven on new years?: | NO. |
do you have loud toys and countdown the seconds?: | sometimes. |
What are your new years resolutions?: | always health... you think i'd be SOOO healthy by now |
Do you stay up till midnight?: | yes |
Who do you spend new years with?: | my hubby and friends and famly |
Are you tired the next day?: | yes |
What time is it?: | ???????? |
Take this survey Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
Well, Chico...
Sooooo, here is Frank, Sarah, and me with the one and only Carlos Mencia (he's the one in the hat).
I won't tell you how much we paid to have this polaroid taken, but I will say that we had such a GREAT time. I haven't laughed that hard is SOOOOOO long! Can't wait until he's back in town again!
Since he's known me...
In the interest of keeping up with my field (literacy education), I am taking the Reading Specialist exam today. (In about an hour, actually.) I haven't taken a standardized test since -- hell, when I got my teaching certificate! Needless to say, I'm nervous. So, keep those fingers crossed for me.
I'm off to find my number 2 pencils so I can sharpen them!
I only have 4... but here they are:
Number 4: Steven Tyler
I have been lusting after this man for years now. Something about that skinny ambiguity just does it for me. Not to mention that mouth - Hello!
Number 3: Johnny Depp
A classic, no? Dressed up as a pirate or thinking he's Don Juan DeMarco or ironing cheese sandwiches. How can you not love this man?
Number 2: Dean Winters
We have just finished watching the HBO series OZ. He played Ryan O'Reilly. I don't know if it was the bad boy thing or his damn sexy chest, but Whew!
Number 1: John Cusack
Since Say Anything, he has been that man. Something about that dorky yet sexy yet awkward yet suave thing he has going on... HO-LAY!
Tuesday Two
Hard call there... probably rich so I can share the wealth. Not too sure what being indestructible would do for mankind, ya know?
2) chocolate or vanilla?
if it's ice cream, it's chocolate. if it's cake, it's vanilla.
3) scrambled or fried eggs?
scrambled, baby. those runny centers just don't do it for me.
4) winter sports or summer sports?
no sports at all, really. but if i had to pick, it would be winter -- love ice skating and skiing and hockey
5) cookies or cake?
6) vote on the issues or with political parties?
issues. and i have lots of them.
7) Indiana Jones or James Bond?
is that a question? without a doubt -- Indy! he's so rugged and manly. none of that Pommy crap.
8) dinner w/Osama Bin Laden or hunting with Dick Cheney?
this one is hard. okay. probably dinner w/ OBL because i'm afraid Cheney might shoot me. and, at least, the conversation would be interesting.
9) be able to swim underwater without coming up for air or be able to fly?
fly. swimming won't get me to the west coast any faster.
10) talk like Foghorn Leghorn or Elmer Fudd?
i say, i say, i say-a Foghorn Leghorn, please.
Lessons Learned
Instead of belaboring the ordeal for all of cyberspace, instead I share my layout. The journaling reads...
friends will always love you, even:
- if you disagree with them
- after you argue
- if you confront them
- after they call you on your shortcomings
- if you don't talk to them for 8 months
- when you are unsure of yourself
- when you say stupid crap that embarasses them
- if sometimes you think you are unlovable
friends love you for who you are. no matter what.
it took me a long time to learn exactly what a friend is and does. now that i know, i'm a stronger person and a better friend.
Beautiful Brevard
One problem -- no White Squirrels!!!

Rainy Monday and a 2Peas Chellenge...
Describe your childhood home.
Blog about it, and share some memories...
My parents moved to GA when I was 18 months old. From that time until graduated from college (save 1 year in college and a summer away), I lived in that house.
Being the youngest by such a huge gap (16 years), I was basically an only child, so I had the run of the place from the time I was 7 or 8. It was a 4 bedroom split-level. We had a huge kitchen where we would eat dinner as a family every night. I remember finishing dinner and my sister getting up to make coffee. She would sigh something about "Cinderella" and everyone would laugh. Before my brother and sister moved out, I would sit in the corner of the wrap-around bench that went around our dinner table. So, if I wanted to leave, it was "Just go under, T." And I would.
For a good while, my grandparents lived downstairs from us. My dad converted the garage into an in-law suite, complete with a kitchen. After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather stayed for a while. But taking care of a child and an invalid (my grandfather had a stroke and was paralyzed on the left side of his body) was a bit too much, so my grandfather moved into a nursing home up North near the rest of his children.
Because the house was so big, and Mom and Dad had a pool put in, we had big parties during the summer, and I guess during the winter, too, for that matter. I remember 4th of July parties the best. My brother set up with a band in the living room downstairs. There were people everywhere. Lots of food, lots of friends. It never occurred to me that I was just a little kid. I had fun with all the adults... The barbecue would be going non-stop, there would be watermelon and mile-high cheesecake. My parents' friends taught me stupid cheers "U-G-L-Y- You ain't got no alibi! You Ugly! Uh, Uh! You Ugly!" Or how to do a correct forward crawl in the pool. My brother would dunk me under or do handstands in the deep end, so all I saw were his feet. My sister grabbed me and danced with me. Just so much fun. Then, at night, when everything would quiet down, I would lay in my mom's lap, waterlogged and exhausted. My brother and one of his friends would play their guitars. Everyone sang along, and I would fall asleep to the sound of voices, music, and that gentle squeak guitar strings make as fingers move across them. Content.
We've disposed of cable TV, so right now we lack any kind of TV reception. Z has yet to set up the antiquated bunny ears. This is a priority on MY list so that I don't miss any more episodes of House or Grey's. The rest of it I'm not too concerned about.
Read many good books lately:
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld -- I need to go out and get the next in the series.
Dry by Augusten Burroughs -- LOVED it! Can't wait to see Running w/Scissors! Augusten is quickly becoming one of my fave writers.
At First Sight by Nicolas Sparks -- Sometimes you just need a good, sappy read!
Still working on:
Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris. It's not really a book that you read cover to cover. I've been taking it in small chunks, and enjoying it. It's Melissa's book club pick.
Just started:
Rococo by Adriana Trigiani. MG turned me on to her, and I LOVE her writing. The Italian American culture is so close to home, and this one is set in my home state of NJ. Okay, I call it my home state because EVERYONE in my family is from there, but I was raised in good old GA. The only Yankee I got was an intolerance for grits and a love of hot coffee.
Made some chili this AM to bring over to the D Clan's house tonight. It's our annual pumpkin carving evening. What's better than a pot of chili, your brother and sis-in-law, your hubby, and 5 nieces and nephews all together carving pumpkins? Nothing, I tell you. I'm thinking of starting a seed-slinging contest. Andy and Eddie would be GREAT at it.
Z's had to work all weekend. Making the "MOVE." Glad that he's making the overtime, though -- sometimes our money seems to go down the drain -- literally, ha! I'll continue to work around here. Finish some Christmas presents I'm making, and plan for our trip to Brevard. White squirrels, here I come!!!!
Old People
My new mantra
Like Church...
Like Peaceful existence...
The feeling you get when your heart is bursting from your chest...

It's Emily and Amy.
This weekend MG and I are heading to NC to see them play. We're hooking up with an old friend -- a friend who was instrumental in M's and my friendship -- a person I haven't talked to nor seen in 5 years. Not too sure how I feel about it. I'm excited about the concert. I'm excited about seeing her, but I'm apprehensive, too. M tells me I've learned a lot; that I know how to keep healthier relationships. But there's always that little nagging voice in the back of my head that says, "remember how great this was? remember how much fun this was?" And I have to remind myself of the other times. The not so great, not so fun times. And that helps me keep a level head.
Lead with the head, not the heart.
I think that's to be my motto for this weekend.
But I digress... I am so freakin' excited about seeing the Indigo Girls! OMG! It has been a few years since I've seen them play. And the last concert I went to Zach was with me, so I was more worried about him having a good time... This time it's me and MG... and the old friend, too... surrounded by people who are moved by their music, who understand what it's like to find yourself in a song and take it on as your life's mantra.
It's like church. Like coming home. Like being alone with 5000 people. Like singing with your family. Like satisfaction.
Tuesday Night Trivia. 6 women. A bit of alcohol. Lubricated Brains. In addition to winning a bar credit, here's what you get:

Closing time... you don't have to go home...
Yes. Another joy of home ownership -- the septic tank. Ours: full. Me: Not happy.
I kind of feel like a mastercard commercial right now:
Calling the Septic pump guys to your house: $0.35
Having them dig up your yard, open your tank and pump it: $600
Watching your shit disappear into a large truck: priceless
It was nasty, but necessary. I think my favorite part of the WHOLE process was not being able to go to the bathroom for 12 hours.
Oh wait -- actually, it was when we were done, Mr. Septic Man told me to flush each toilet 3 times. I also hopped on one foot and rubbed my belly for good luck -- it just seemed like a natural thing to do.
"In nomine potty, et fill-ed, et s'pumpitus sanctus..." It's all done now.
A clean septic tank is a happy septic tank.
It always happens that way...
2Peas music challenge

What song/CD makes you:
DANCE: OMG, there are sooo many -- the one that pop into my mind right now is Guns N Roses: Paradise City. Makes me want to jump up and do my Axl Rose/Davy Jones dance. Love it!
HAPPY: Roll to Me -- that really short song that came out the mid 90's ("look around your world pretty baby is it achin' with some nameless need?")
SAD: Ghost -- Indigo Girls, my 18th birthday, secrets revealed, *sigh*
REMEMBER/REMINISCE: Breakfast at Tiffany's, not the "soundtrack" -- that song, again, from the mid 90's: "And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany's, she said I think I remember the film and, as I recall I think we both kinda liked it, and I said well that's the one thing we got." It just screams high school for me. My friend Nick and I sat in the car one day returning to rehearsal from our afterschool break and sang it at the top of our lungs. Man, I loved that guy!!!
SING OUT LOUD: every song I know, but especially Joining a Fan Club by an obscurely known band called Jellyfish. They were hot in the late 90s, but now defunct.
Damn! I'm a 90's girl, aren't I?
Inner Peace... the search continues

How can something so small...
My dog is afraid of this little thing:
I don't get it. I really don't. I understand that he has claws, but she outweighs him seven times!!! He walks by, she jumps on the couch. He is at the bottom of the stairs, she won't walk down them. He's on the left side of me, she walks to my right. No amount of cajoling will get her to relax when he's around. They have almost 2 weeks together. They'd better work it out!
mmmmm.... chocolate
And... a big shout out to my S-I-L, Melissa...
The Me Challenge: My Theme Song
Here is my take... my theme song:

Reason 1743 why I LOVE my husband
"So, babe, do you think we need to go on and save our marriage?" I asked, laughing.
"If we have to do something like that, make sure it's that show with Chip Foose!" was his reply.
I laughed soooo hard! We don't need marriage help, but to think that if we did, he would want to get help on Overhaulin' with Chip Foose!
I love this man!

One more rockin' picture

Thanks to JustJudy for this picture. I just love it! I'm not one to love pictures of myself, but I think that this is one that captures the essence of moi... I'm a BIG dork! And... Judy rules!
Feeling Wacky on Wednesday!
01) Banjo for the fun, danceable sound or violin for the soulful, spirit-lifting sound? depends on the day, but usually Banjo
02) Bus/subway for cheapness and ecological responsibility or cab for door to door convenience? subway all the way -- too bad we don't have a good one in the ATL
03) Paper grocery bags for the capacity and biodegradableness or plastic grocery bags for the convenience and reusability? plastic bags -- can't beat 'em for kitty litter!
04) Liking fruit that you peel (bananas, oranges, etc.) or fruit that you don't peel (apples, pears, etc.)? no peel, please
05) Expensive 3-ply kleenex or discount 2-ply kleenex? 3 ply.
06) Super soft toilet paper to be cushy on your widdle bum or rough, no-nonsense toilet paper to be sure to get your dirty asshole clean? cushy, baby!
07) Watching fake wrestling (WWE, for example) for the kitchy drama or watching real fighting (boxing, UFC, etc.) for the realness? neither. don't like fighting
08) Coy about telling people what you want when asked ("Oh I don't need anything.") or upfront about telling people what you want when asked ("I would LOVE a new watch.")? up front.
09) Believing NASA is amazing for inventing the Space Pen (works in no gravity) or believing NASA is stupid for not doing like the Russians who just use pencils? $1M on a pen. waste of money. Russians rule!
10) A Spanky fan or an Alfalfa fan? Alfalfa.
Make n Take w/ Ali
Bringin' the funk with my pal, Mara, in the Encyclopedia from Hell
(I mean, of Alterations)
Mandy loved the flowered carpet
The happy graduates.
Whew! I can't wait for Nashville!
Becoming a Life Artist
So, as soon as blogger lets me, I will post the pictures from this awesome weekend...
Monday Music Mambo
Today is opinion day, so give me your opinion on . . .
Country Music. Tolerate it. I mean, I enjoy the Dixie Chicks, I can handle some crossover, but I cannot do twangy men or women. No twang. Period.
The Beatles. Love 'em. How can you not? Though, I must say, I am more of an early fan rather than later. The acid music doesn't rock for me as much as the bubble gum. Sang em at my wedding reception, had em sung at my wedding, sang em at my senior recital in college. Can't go wrong with Lennon and McCartney.
Synthesizers. Yeah. Not too sure about this. Good if used properly, suck if used for everything.
Banjos. If its bluegrass, hell yeah. If it's Deliverance, hell nah!
Ray Charles. God is love. Love is blind. Ray Charles is blind. Ergo, Ray Charles is God. QED.
Heavy Metal. Married a metal head. Can only take so much before my head starts pounding. But I'm willing to listen... for a while... and a price.
"Stairway To Heaven" Why not? Yeah, it's a cliche. Yeah, everyone learns to play it on guitar. Soooo... why the hell not? It wants to be a good song. Really.
Violins. Only if they're in tune. 'Nuff said.
Bruce Springsteen. He's the Boss. Not Tony Danza. American Spirit at its finest. And, he's a Jersey boy. A man after my own heart. Love him.
The Blues Blues riffs, good. BB King, good. Using blues progressions in all forms of music, good. Blues sung by white women who think they're sexy, not good.
http://bdinsanity.blogdrive.com/ <-- You can Mambo, too!
Your Normalcy Quotient is: 49 out of 100.
Your quiz results make you a Wonderful Eccentric
You've earned the title of wonderful eccentric, and while you're not a wild, gun slinging maverick, you certainly like to follow your own way. Of course, you probably don't think of yourself as eccentric. As Einstein might say, "It's all relative."
Take this free personality test by Clicking Here>> or going to www.chatterbean.com/runormal/
So... I really do scrap.

Finished this 2 page layout today... for a circle journal.
I hope to post more of my 8X8 and 8.5X11 layouts... unfortunately, my scanner can't take 12X12 layouts.
i am a survey-taking machine
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life | |
* So Basically... * | |
Name?: | theresa |
Age?: | 28 |
Sex?: | F |
Birth Date?: | august 28 |
Hair Color?: | light brown/dark blonde |
Eye Color?: | blue/green |
Height?: | 5'5" |
Weight?: | nunya |
Body Type?: | human |
Piercings?: | ears only |
Tattoos?: | none yet |
What are you wearing right now?: | pajamas |
Hair style at the moment?: | bed head |
* Favorites * | |
Soda?: | coke |
Food?: | chips and cheese dip |
Drink?: | clear american from wal mart |
Alcoholic Drink?: | woo |
Time of day?: | morning |
Season?: | autumn |
Day of the week?: | friday |
Song at the moment?: | underground -- ben folds five |
Band/Artist?: | too many to mention |
Book?: | the giver by lois lowry |
Subject in school?: | english/lit/writing |
Place in the USA?: | eugene, oregon |
Place outside the USA?: | bay of islands, new zealand |
Color?: | blue |
Style of clothes?: | comfortable |
Store?: | scrapbook.com |
Mall?: | don't have one |
City?: | new york |
Website?: | www.2peasinabucket.com |
Magazine?: | creating keepsakes |
Kind of pet?: | dogs and cats |
* Worst * | |
Place to be?: | large crowds |
Class in school?: | biology, my senior year of college |
Time of dayr?: | early afternoon |
Season?: | winter -- it's too dark! |
Kind of pet?: | ferret |
Drink?: | anything with coconut |
Food?: | liver |
Mall?: | don't care |
Store?: | old kmarts |
Style of clothes?: | sequins or lycra |
Celebrity?: | tom cruise |
Color?: | fluorescent orange |
Book?: | the wallet of kai lung |
Type of music?: | gangsta rap |
Website?: | ???? |
Magazine?: | ???? |
* Daily Life * | |
When do you get up?: | any time between 6 and 9, during the school year: 5:45 |
What is your first thought?: | where are the tissues? |
What do you do first?: | rub my eyes |
What's your usual outfit?: | pants and t shirt |
What's the first class of the day?: | whatever i've scheduled... this year it was writing workshop |
When does school end?: | 2:45 for the kids, around 4 for me |
Do you see your friends?: | yes, often |
What do you do when you get home?: | plop down on the couch for a while |
What time do you go to bed?: | 10:00 |
* Do you...*: | |
Brush your teeth daily?: | yes |
Brush your hair daily?: | nope, don't brush my hair |
Shower daily?: | yes |
Sing?: | a lot |
Dance?: | constantly |
Party?: | yes |
Get drunk?: | yep |
Have sex?: | ummm... i'm married... |
Read books?: | yes |
Listening to music a lot?: | yes |
Read magazines?: | yes |
Go online a lot?: | too much! |
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: | nope... no IMs for me |
Have a religion?: | faith, yes... religion, no |
Have an IPod?: | no |
Want an IPod?: | yes! |
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: | in addition to my hubby? no |
Play an instrument?: | the nose harp |
Get sick a lot?: | yes -- heinous allergies! |
Watch TV?: | yes |
Like MTV?: | for the shows, not the videos |
Like VH1?: | ditto |
Like the History Channel?: | sometimes |
Have Digital Cable?: | nope |
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: | nope |
Listen to the radio?: | sometimes, ususally NPR |
Still use your CD player?: | yep |
Stalk people?: | only cool people |
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: | nope |
Have dial-up internet?: | nope |
Have AOL?: | nope |
Know HTML?: | a little |
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: | nope |
Get H's in honors classes?: | what's an H? |
* Music * | |
Do you listen to Rap?: | no |
R & B?: | some |
Blues and/or Jazz?: | some |
Classical?: | some |
Pop?: | some |
Country?: | little |
Emo/Scremo?: | hello no |
Heavy Metal?: | only if my hubby is playing it |
Christian?: | no |
Techno?: | no |
Reggae?: | some |
Broadway Musical songs?: | some |
Oldies?: | yes |
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend * | |
Hair color?: | love red, but my DH had dark brown |
Eye color?: | green |
Tattoos?: | sure |
Piercings?: | why not |
Favorite Music?: | don't care |
Style of clothing?: | personal |
Body Type?: | tall |
Personality or Looks?: | personality |
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: | no |
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: | probably |
Does size matter?: | it depends... |
Do they have to be popular?: | no |
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: | either way |
Where do you go on the first date?: | wherever |
Kiss on the first date?: | sure |
Sex on the first date?: | nope |
* Right Now * | |
Do you think you look good right now?: | no! i just rolled out of bed |
Are you eating something?: | no |
Are you drinking something?: | coffee |
Are you IMing anyone?: | nope |
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: | no |
Are you talking face to face with someone?: | no |
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: | no |
What song are you listening to?: | nothing |
What are you watching on TV?: | nada |
What other websites do you have open?: | nope |
Why are you taking this survey?: | i'm bored |
Where are you going to post it?: | my blog, myspace |
What are you going to do after this?: | find something to eat |
* What do you Believe? * | |
Do you believe in ghosts?: | yes |
The afterlife?: | yes |
Aliens?: | possibly |
God?: | yes |
The devil?: | no |
Heaven?: | yes |
Hell?: | no |
Scientology?: | no |
Hinduism?: | sure |
Buddhism?: | sure |
Christianity?: | sure |
Taoism?: | sure |
Judism?: | sure... if you spell it right... |
Jesus?: | yeah |
Nothing?: | no |
Reincarnation?: | why not? |
Yourself?: | not enough |
* Randoms * | |
Have you been on an airplane before?: | yes |
Where were you going?: | last time i was on one, i was going to visit my parentals |
Have you been to another country?: | yes |
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: | nope, i went all alone |
Have you ever partied in another country?: | no |
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: | yes -- to san francisco was my favorite! |
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: | no |
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: | hell no! |
Talked about someone behind their back?: | unfortunately, yes |
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: | oh yeah |
Been in a fight online?: | yes |
Been in a fight face to face?: | yes |
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: | yes |
Been called a bitch?: | hell yes |
Been called a slut/whore?: | don't think so... |
Been to Australia?: | close -- new zealand |
Do you like snakes?: | nope |
Ever cried to get your own way?: | yes |
Ever broken a bone?: | yes -- my left arm |
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: | no |
Ever had serious surgery?: | yes! |
Ever looked a porn online?: | wouldn't you like to know? |
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: | yep |
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: | sure |
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: | nope |
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: | no |
Ever been on stage for any reason?: | yes |
Ever been in a play?: | yes |
Ever been in a choir?: | yes |
Ever been in a band?: | no |
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: | yes |
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: | nope |
Waxed your eyebrows?: | yes |
Waxed your legs?: | no |
Cut yourself shaving?: | yes |
Have you ever died?: | nope |
Was this survey an good at all?: | it was okay, yo. |
What time is it right now?: | 8:06 A.M. |
Take this survey Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
The Soundtrack of My Life
2) One of those tracks that make you dance on the dance floor no matter what.
3) The song you’d use to tell someone you love them.
4) A song that has made you sit down and analyze it’s lyrics.
5) A song that you like, that a two year old would like as well.
6) A song that gives you an energy boost.
7) A song that you and your grandparents (would probably) like.
8) A song that you really liked when you were 14-16, and still really like now.
9) A sad song that would be in the soundtrack of the movie about your life.
10) A peppy song that would start the opening credits of the movie about your life.
11) A good song from a genre of music that no one would guess that you liked.
12) A song that you think should have been playing when you were born.
13) A favorite artist duo collaboration.
14) A favorite song that you completely disagree with (politically, morally, commonsenically, religiously etc.)
15) The song that you like despite the fact your IQ level drops several points every time you listen to it.
16) Your smooth song, for relaxing.
17) A song you would send to someone you hate or are mad at.
18) A favorite track from an outfit considered a “super-group.”
19) A song that makes you reminisce about good times with a family member.
20) Your favorite song at this moment in time.
1) Philosophy of Loss – Emily Saliers
2) Blister in the Sun – Violent Femmes
3) Ghost – Indigo Girls
4) Any song written by Billy Gewin (www.billygewin.com)
5) All You Need is Love – The Beatles
6) Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
7) Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy – Andrews Sisters’ version
8) Dead or Alive – Bon Jovi
9) Don’t Know Why – Norah Jones
10) Good Vibrations – Beach Boys
11) Hell of Hat – Mighty, Mighty Bosstones
12) Sowing the Seeds of Love – Tears for Fears
13) Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth – Bing Crosby and David Bowie
14) Bitches Ain’t Shit – the Ben Folds Version
15) November Rain – Guns n Roses
16) I don’t relax often… it’s kind of sad…
17) Song for the Dumped – Ben Folds Five
18) Sweet Emotion – Aerosmith
19) You’ve Got a Friend – James Taylor version
20) Underground – Ben Folds
Let me know if you meme it! Can't wait to see your responses!
Thursday... Thrusday... Thurdsay?
Made some changes to the template. I think I like them. Perhaps I'll keep them around for a while. Had to change the font colors so the archives would be mostly readable. I don't really feel like going back through every single post...
My sister and her family leave today. I can't believe that their visit is over. I don't think I've really had a chance to hang out with her or her fam. It's kind of a bummer. Not too sure what happened, but I know we were away on Saturday, then she was out gallavanting to G's family and her best friend's house on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Oh well, I guess I'll have to plan a trip up to NJ at some point when she's off work so we can spend a little more time together. I'm just bummed.
In other, more exciting news... Mandy is planning to come over tomorrow. We are going to have a veg day! She has graciously volunteered to help clean up my dining room/scrap room for dinner on Saturday night, then we are going to sit in front of the TV, surround sound rearing to go, diet cokes in hand, and watch some movies. This is a summer institute with her and me. We have done this for years now. It used to be a bit more often, but this year, we're just now getting to it. Better late than never...
One of my most favorite people in the world is coming to dinner on Saturday... Richard! He married Zach and me, gave the homily at my sister's wedding, held my hand as I heard the news about my mom's cancer, and is just an amazing man. He is a wise sage, and everyone is calm in his presence. He exudes zen and inner peace and love of life. I can't wait to surprise him with a birthday cake. I also can't wait to share a meal with him, my parents, and my two best friends... Life is good.
Heading down to visit mom and dad next week. M is thinking about coming, too. I'm looking forward to spending some time at the beach. My sinuses clear, my head clears, I can jump in the waves and walk on the sand. My tensions ease. It is peaceful.
The search for inner peace... is that my current mission? It's a recurring theme in this blog. Something I need to think more about.
"Keep quiet. Do your work in the world, but inwardly keep quiet. Then all will come to you." -- Nisaragada Ha Maharaj
2Peas Challenge -- the Perfect Summer Vacation
Summer vacation... It would be hot, but not humid. I could walk on the beach and swim in the ocean, but not get all nasty and sweaty and sandy. I could read and scrap whenever I wanted. I could drink as many strawberry daquaris as I wanted without gaining an ounce. It would rain and cool down so that at night I could put on jeans and a sweatshirt, enjoy a fire, but not need to wear socks. I would actually LIKE how I look in a bathing suit. I would get to go camping any time I wanted and enjoy hikes with Zach and Kharma. My house would stay clean (perhaps I'd have a maid...) so that I wouldn't be bogged down. The refrigerator would be stocked with juicy strawberries, cut-up sweet watermelon, ice cold water, and lots of fresh vegetables. Grilling out... lots of chicken and the occasional steak.
I can dream, can't I?
Just what I was waiting for...
This was in one of those "money mailers" that comes to my house about 7 million times a week. All I can really say is WTF? Is this lawyer so hard up for business that s/he thinks s/he can woo people with a free dinner and dessert? When you make you will it's like having your cake and eating it too?!? I just don't get it. What exactly is this world coming to?
I'm just... so... WTF, dude?
If you try sometimes, you just might find...
And this is what I needed today:
Every day, passion speaks to us through our feelings. that's why when you allow yourself to become anesthetized by what others think, you literally block yourself from living the life you were called to live.
I promise you that if you make a choice that doesn't please your mate, your friends, your mother, or whoever, the world will not fall apart -- the people who truly love you want you to love yourself. and as you become clearer about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you -- the first time around.
Oprah Winfrey
from Ali's blog.
What do people envy about you?
You're a giving soul, and you'd do almost anything for those you love. And they'd do anything for you!People may envy how giving you are, but more than anything, they envy those you open your heart to.
What about YOU?
You Play... then you Pay.
All's I can say is it was One Wild Night!

I LOVE my girls!