1) To be indestructible or incredibly rich?
Hard call there... probably rich so I can share the wealth. Not too sure what being indestructible would do for mankind, ya know?
2) chocolate or vanilla?
if it's ice cream, it's chocolate. if it's cake, it's vanilla.
3) scrambled or fried eggs?
scrambled, baby. those runny centers just don't do it for me.
4) winter sports or summer sports?
no sports at all, really. but if i had to pick, it would be winter -- love ice skating and skiing and hockey
5) cookies or cake?
6) vote on the issues or with political parties?
issues. and i have lots of them.
7) Indiana Jones or James Bond?
is that a question? without a doubt -- Indy! he's so rugged and manly. none of that Pommy crap.
8) dinner w/Osama Bin Laden or hunting with Dick Cheney?
this one is hard. okay. probably dinner w/ OBL because i'm afraid Cheney might shoot me. and, at least, the conversation would be interesting.
9) be able to swim underwater without coming up for air or be able to fly?
fly. swimming won't get me to the west coast any faster.
10) talk like Foghorn Leghorn or Elmer Fudd?
i say, i say, i say-a Foghorn Leghorn, please.
1 Say something::
I'd be afraid OBL would shoot me, too! Or maybe cut my head off with a machete... Great meme! :-)
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