i am a survey-taking machine

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Birth Date?:august 28
Hair Color?:light brown/dark blonde
Eye Color?:blue/green
Body Type?:human
Piercings?:ears only
Tattoos?:none yet
What are you wearing right now?:pajamas
Hair style at the moment?:bed head
* Favorites *
Food?:chips and cheese dip
Drink?:clear american from wal mart
Alcoholic Drink?:woo
Time of day?:morning
Day of the week?:friday
Song at the moment?:underground -- ben folds five
Band/Artist?:too many to mention
Book?:the giver by lois lowry
Subject in school?:english/lit/writing
Place in the USA?:eugene, oregon
Place outside the USA?:bay of islands, new zealand
Style of clothes?:comfortable
Mall?:don't have one
City?:new york
Magazine?:creating keepsakes
Kind of pet?:dogs and cats
* Worst *
Place to be?:large crowds
Class in school?:biology, my senior year of college
Time of dayr?:early afternoon
Season?:winter -- it's too dark!
Kind of pet?:ferret
Drink?:anything with coconut
Mall?:don't care
Store?:old kmarts
Style of clothes?:sequins or lycra
Celebrity?:tom cruise
Color?:fluorescent orange
Book?:the wallet of kai lung
Type of music?:gangsta rap
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?:any time between 6 and 9, during the school year: 5:45
What is your first thought?:where are the tissues?
What do you do first?:rub my eyes
What's your usual outfit?:pants and t shirt
What's the first class of the day?:whatever i've scheduled... this year it was writing workshop
When does school end?:2:45 for the kids, around 4 for me
Do you see your friends?:yes, often
What do you do when you get home?:plop down on the couch for a while
What time do you go to bed?:10:00
* Do you...*:
Brush your teeth daily?:yes
Brush your hair daily?:nope, don't brush my hair
Shower daily?:yes
Sing?:a lot
Get drunk?:yep
Have sex?:ummm... i'm married...
Read books?:yes
Listening to music a lot?:yes
Read magazines?:yes
Go online a lot?:too much!
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?:nope... no IMs for me
Have a religion?:faith, yes... religion, no
Have an IPod?:no
Want an IPod?:yes!
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?:in addition to my hubby? no
Play an instrument?:the nose harp
Get sick a lot?:yes -- heinous allergies!
Watch TV?:yes
Like MTV?:for the shows, not the videos
Like VH1?:ditto
Like the History Channel?:sometimes
Have Digital Cable?:nope
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?:nope
Listen to the radio?:sometimes, ususally NPR
Still use your CD player?:yep
Stalk people?:only cool people
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?:nope
Have dial-up internet?:nope
Have AOL?:nope
Know HTML?:a little
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?:nope
Get H's in honors classes?:what's an H?
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?:no
R & B?:some
Blues and/or Jazz?:some
Emo/Scremo?:hello no
Heavy Metal?:only if my hubby is playing it
Broadway Musical songs?:some
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?:love red, but my DH had dark brown
Eye color?:green
Piercings?:why not
Favorite Music?:don't care
Style of clothing?:personal
Body Type?:tall
Personality or Looks?:personality
Would you go out with someone just for their money?:no
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?:probably
Does size matter?:it depends...
Do they have to be popular?:no
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?:either way
Where do you go on the first date?:wherever
Kiss on the first date?:sure
Sex on the first date?:nope
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?:no! i just rolled out of bed
Are you eating something?:no
Are you drinking something?:coffee
Are you IMing anyone?:nope
Are you talking on the phone with someone?:no
Are you talking face to face with someone?:no
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?:no
What song are you listening to?:nothing
What are you watching on TV?:nada
What other websites do you have open?:nope
Why are you taking this survey?:i'm bored
Where are you going to post it?:my blog, myspace
What are you going to do after this?:find something to eat
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?:yes
The afterlife?:yes
The devil?:no
Judism?:sure... if you spell it right...
Reincarnation?:why not?
Yourself?:not enough
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?:yes
Where were you going?:last time i was on one, i was going to visit my parentals
Have you been to another country?:yes
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?:nope, i went all alone
Have you ever partied in another country?:no
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?:yes -- to san francisco was my favorite!
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?:no
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?:hell no!
Talked about someone behind their back?:unfortunately, yes
Had someone talk about you behind your back?:oh yeah
Been in a fight online?:yes
Been in a fight face to face?:yes
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?:yes
Been called a bitch?:hell yes
Been called a slut/whore?:don't think so...
Been to Australia?:close -- new zealand
Do you like snakes?:nope
Ever cried to get your own way?:yes
Ever broken a bone?:yes -- my left arm
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?:no
Ever had serious surgery?:yes!
Ever looked a porn online?:wouldn't you like to know?
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?:yep
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?:sure
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?:nope
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?:no
Ever been on stage for any reason?:yes
Ever been in a play?:yes
Ever been in a choir?:yes
Ever been in a band?:no
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?:yes
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?:nope
Waxed your eyebrows?:yes
Waxed your legs?:no
Cut yourself shaving?:yes
Have you ever died?:nope
Was this survey an good at all?:it was okay, yo.
What time is it right now?:8:06 A.M.
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Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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