Lessons Learned

Sooooo... M and I have done some serious growing in our friendship lately. It's been hard. We've cried. I've yelled. There has been crazy typing. Lots of long email back and forth. But I've learned a few things about myself, and about my relationship w/M. Perfect timing for Laura's CJ: Lessons I've learned about love.

Instead of belaboring the ordeal for all of cyberspace, instead I share my layout. The journaling reads...

friends will always love you, even:

  • if you disagree with them
  • after you argue
  • if you confront them
  • after they call you on your shortcomings
  • if you don't talk to them for 8 months
  • when you are unsure of yourself
  • when you say stupid crap that embarasses them
  • if sometimes you think you are unlovable

friends love you for who you are. no matter what.

it took me a long time to learn exactly what a friend is and does. now that i know, i'm a stronger person and a better friend.

3 Say something::

Anonymous said...

That is what friendship is about. I have a couple of friends like that. Love them!! Great page!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Oh, yeah, ditto on the 8 months between visits one....

Nice layout!

Nichole M said...

Great layout! Glad things all worked out in the end. :-)

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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