Thursday Thunks -- July 2 Edition

Welcome to the July 2nd version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
Kimber, the number 14 and the color of your mother's hair dye.

1. When you close a door, do you close it quick and just let it slam or do you hold the knob and slowly shut it tight? Hold the knob and slowly shut it tightly. I hate slamming doors!

2.Train A is moving at 60 miles an hour. Train B is moving at 22 miles an hour. They will pass each other at X time. Now what color shoes are you wearing when train A derails? Probably my purple birkenstocks.

3. What if M&M's grew on trees? What color M&M tree would you have? Yummo!! I would have a blue and green tree, a hybrid.

4. How many petals on a flower does it take to make it the perfect bloom? Wow... not sure. At least 6.

5. I took you to spend $421.67 on you, what did we spend that money on? A new phone to replace the one I dropped into the dog's bowl, a pair of Dansko clogs, and a mani/pedi for us both!

6. If you were a squash, what type of squash would you be? butternut. hands-down.

7. Have you ever gotten a wrong number call and ended up talking to the person for longer than 5 minutes? No, but I know people who have, and I think it might be kind of fun!

8. Why haven't you joined Berleen & Kimber at Insanity Cafe yet? Do we stink? Dunno...

9. Now for one of Ber's questions back when TT was brand new... Shampoo bottles say lather, rinse, repeat... do you? Nope. One later, one rinse. Doing my part to conserve water!

10. It's July, the year is half over. Do you see it as "whew that part is over" or best is yet to come? I don't think of the year as half over in July. I run on school time... In July, I'm getting ready for the year to start (in August). In December, I'm thinking "whew! that part is over!" It's a strange viewpoint, I know.

11. Why do you do the Thursday Thunks meme? It's summer! What else is there to do?!

3 Say something::

ViolinMama said...

I totally think in school years too!!!! YES! And I always hope the best is yet to come!!! :)

Bud Fisher said...

A wise man once said, "Cell phone and dog's bowl. Keep separate!" Now I know why! Great job...

ashley said...

I totally understand thinking in school years. I have never left academia and never plan to.

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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