Friday Five

Friday 5 for July 10: Holes
  1. Where can you go for a really good bagel, and how do you like yours? Good bagels are few and far between here... A really good bagel comes from Publix or the deli around the corner from my parents' place. I like either a plain or everything bagel. If I'm going to top it, it will have veggie cream cheese. Yum.
  2. What is your favorite style of doughnut? Krispy Kreme Glazed Creme Filled with a cup of coffee, cream only. Wow. Heart attack much?
  3. What’s your favorite flavor of Lifesavers? Of the mint choices, definitely Pep-O-Mint. Of the fruit choices, Green or Red, which I guess would be lime or cherry, but who ever asks for the flavor? I always ask for the color.
  4. What O-shaped breakfast cereals do you like? We have multitudes of Cheerios around here. Bella loves them for breakfast and for snacks. I'm not a big cereal fan, so I can't think of many other O-shaped cereals. I guess Cheerios would be my #1.
  5. How do you feel about onion rings, and where can you get some good ones? Oh my! I love a good onion ring. The BEST place to get onion rings (and in the ATL the ONLY place to get good onion rings IMHO) is the Varsity. The grease will seep from your pores for days. And it will be worth every last calorie.
In other news...

The NJ set are leaving tomorrow night. It has been a fun week of playing with the kids, going to movies (I acutally sat through Seventeen Again). We are attempting our trip down the Chattahoochee again tomorrow since we were rained out last Sunday. Z and I are having a slumber party with Em and A tonight. Nothing better than an air mattress and a ten- and thirteen-year-old to spend the night with!

All of the kids on July 4th

1 Say something::

ViolinMama said...

I'm playing catch up reading, but loved this and I hope it was a fun weekend!!! Sorry about the sunburn!

Thanks for making me smile. Family is so important!

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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