The big ONE! As we get closer to
I can't believe that it's been one year, little girl! Your arrival was quicker than anticipated and your being you was unexpected, "A girl? Really?" I never had the ultrasound techs or the midwives tell me what you were, but we all assumed you were a boy.
Aunt M's arrival was accompanied by her statement, "See! I told you she was a girl!"
And a girl you are!!
You quickly got over your fussy eater status and after a month of learning about each other, we knew that formula was just right for you.
You changed from a colicky baby to a dream child: Sleeping through the night, all smiles and giggles during the day, good naps, GREAT eater!
Those legs never stopped moving, though, and to this day, they still don't. Your motor skills developed well before any language skills, and by 10 months old you were walking. A shock to many, a joy to your parents.
You are your own person in every way, shape, and form. You know what you want, you know when you want it. You smile at everyone you meet, waving hi! and showing off your talent for sounding like a monkey. You'll try anything once, and sometimes twice, and you haven't met a steak you don't like.
Playing with Kharma makes you happy, even though she's still not too sure of you. Any animal is fun for you, and you've learned how to pet them gently, and not to pull on ears or tails or whiskers.
Books, lately, are your favorite toys. You bring us one after the other, sometimes wanting us to read, other times just wanting to revisit the pictures. We let you turn the pages and point at all the things you see.
You sign "More" and "Eat" and "Hat," though you won't wear one. And you're learning how to clean up your toys before you go to bed. So quickly, you are growing my wee one, and every day makes me love you even more. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you! I love you!
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