The insanity of my 50 hour work week continued into this weekend. We enjoyed Ben and Christie's wedding, despite the record temperatures, and celebrated Zach's second Father's Day. I made breakfast (a rare occasion since Bella's arrival), we had lunch at the Compound, and we relaxed together as a family for the rest of the afternoon.
Now that Monday has reared its mighty head, I'm back to the grind of SAHM. I love the summers that teaching affords, but I have never been a fan of chores. While summers now mean time with Bella, they continue to mean taking over the majority of the housework. Ugh. I'm off to face killer dustbunnies and piles of laundry.
In an attempt to get myself blogging a bit more, I'm going to take a page out of ViolinMama's book today and do a Monday Daybook...

Outside my window... it's shaping up to be another sunny scorcher. Don't think we'll be outside much today!
I am thinking... that I am ready for Bella's 4th molar to finally break through. She's in pain and cranky which makes for a long day together.
I am thankful for... this time I get to spend with my daughter, despite her crankiness.
From the kitchen… steaks tonight... finishing off our Father's Day celebration. We were too stuffed to eat a big dinner last night.
I am wearing... my pajamas. Haven't gotten to the shower or dresser yet.
I am creating…a clean house today in the hopes that I can begin some creating in the ScrapRoom this week. I miss it!
I am going… to the grocery after Bella's bedtime tonight. A long week of work has left the cupboard quite bare!
I am reading… Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. I'm about halfway through and am intrigued by the relationship between two women. So many things to which I can relate and so many that are foreign to me!
I am hoping… to get a lot of work done today on this house!
I am hearing…Bella playing with the new blocks she got for her birthday.
Around the house... Did I mention the killer dustbunnies?
One of my favorite things… is all of the new babblings and words Bella is trying out. It's fun to hear her discover new sounds and put those sounds into "sentences."
A few plans for the rest of the week: Nothing definite... just lots of catching up around here. I hope to get to the Farmer's Market and possibly pick up a wading pool at Wal Mart this week. Hoping to finally get to Growers' Outlet this weekend and do my long-anticipated Mother's Day shopping!
Here is 'picture thought' I am sharing… Picture thoughts are above... Just how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life!
Happy Monday!

1 Say something::
Aww, this was so great. Loved the pictures and catch up. You are too sweet. I am also terribly behind! Vacation has been keeping me from the computer. Being sick also does not motivate me!!! I'll do it soon! Thanks for inspiring me!
Much love!
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