Happy Birthday to... EVERYONE!

Happy Birthday to ME! Yes, this was the scene at the Compound yesterday. Sidebar: I really feel like I should explain a little... The "Compound" is the house where my brother, his wife, their five kids, and my two parents live. So, basically, aside from my sister's family, if I want to see the people I'm related to, I just drive 5 miles down the road, arrive at said "Compound" and BAM! there they all are. /end Sidebar. We celebrated 4 birthdays yesterday: PopPop Normy, Shannon and Eddie, and Me! You can imagine the part where we all sang "Happy Birthday to ..." went on for about a day and half. My lovely sister-in-law gestured to everyone, so that we would all stay synchronized together and not be at all confused as to why we were singing. This is why I LOVE my family!

Some cool new CD's from my brother, the arbiter of all that is cool in music. Can't wait to pop those puppies into the CD player today. Okay, who'm I kidding? They will be downloaded into iTunes and played thusly.
Fantastic shot of said music arbiter: my big bro. He had so much fun playing with Bella yesterday. Oh, and according to V, he's my doppleganger. Though, I'm not sure which of us is the evil one. I just call us "identical twins separated by 17 years." Such a cool dude. Such a fun day.
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1 Say something::

Cricket said...

I love the look on your little girls face, soooo cute!

so, what cd's did ya get?? :)


Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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