
Not a whole heck of a lot going on around here lately. Yeah... HA!!

I'm back to work which means I have less time to snap endless pictures, cruise Facebook, and, of course, add to my blog. I'm just beginning week 3 of my return to the classroom, so all of the kinks have yet to be ironed out. I have 18 little bodies to learn about, to re-train, and to teach. I have one new teacher in my room with me for half the day, which I love. And I have one HUGE pile of stuff left by my sub that I still need to get through. Did I mention grades go out in 2 weeks?

Bella is growing, growing, growing. She has her (gasp!) 4 month appointment on Friday. She's really starting to giggle and grasp at things deliberately, and attempt to roll over. All in all, she's an incredibly happy baby on an incredibly easy schedule.

Some things to look forward to (I bow down to my BFF, the queen of lists...):
  • Seeing Bella's aunts in a few weeks.
  • Seeing Amy Ray in November (Hooray, Laura!!)
  • Bella's first Halloween... she's dressing up as a female Gadget... black cat, ears and all.
  • Halloween in general, which means pumpkin carving with the Clan at the Compound.
  • Fall weather... open windows, chili, and socks. It's trying, it really is!
  • St. Augustine after Christmas
  • Christmas on the way... so, seeing Z's parents and getting our tree.

Not to wish the time away, but with the way the economy is slamming us, with the way the election madness is just dragging on and on, and since my husband had to drive around like a madman finding gas for my car on Friday... these little things remain a spark, a light in the distance.

There's not really much else to report, so I guess it's off to bed for me. Gotta be ready for those kiddies tomorrow!

0 Say something::

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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