they're not all winners.
Sooooo, here is Frank, Sarah, and me with the one and only Carlos Mencia (he's the one in the hat).
I won't tell you how much we paid to have this polaroid taken, but I will say that we had such a GREAT time. I haven't laughed that hard is SOOOOOO long! Can't wait until he's back in town again!
Since he's known me...
on Saturday, November 18, 2006
Comments: (1)
So, Z says that since he's known me I've been in school. For a year now, I haven't taken classes. Since I finished my Master's last year, I am taking some time off. Z hopes it's permanent time off, but, really, it's an extended hiatus until I go back for my Ed.D.
In the interest of keeping up with my field (literacy education), I am taking the Reading Specialist exam today. (In about an hour, actually.) I haven't taken a standardized test since -- hell, when I got my teaching certificate! Needless to say, I'm nervous. So, keep those fingers crossed for me.
I'm off to find my number 2 pencils so I can sharpen them!
In the interest of keeping up with my field (literacy education), I am taking the Reading Specialist exam today. (In about an hour, actually.) I haven't taken a standardized test since -- hell, when I got my teaching certificate! Needless to say, I'm nervous. So, keep those fingers crossed for me.
I'm off to find my number 2 pencils so I can sharpen them!
on Thursday, November 16, 2006
Comments: (4)
Sooo, I was reading Ginger Rohlfs' blog about her top 5 picks for Sexiest man... and I decided to make a list of my own.
I only have 4... but here they are:
Number 4: Steven Tyler
I have been lusting after this man for years now. Something about that skinny ambiguity just does it for me. Not to mention that mouth - Hello!
I only have 4... but here they are:
Number 4: Steven Tyler
I have been lusting after this man for years now. Something about that skinny ambiguity just does it for me. Not to mention that mouth - Hello!
Number 3: Johnny Depp
A classic, no? Dressed up as a pirate or thinking he's Don Juan DeMarco or ironing cheese sandwiches. How can you not love this man?
Number 2: Dean Winters
We have just finished watching the HBO series OZ. He played Ryan O'Reilly. I don't know if it was the bad boy thing or his damn sexy chest, but Whew!
Number 1: John Cusack
Since Say Anything, he has been that man. Something about that dorky yet sexy yet awkward yet suave thing he has going on... HO-LAY!
Tuesday Two
1) To be indestructible or incredibly rich?
Hard call there... probably rich so I can share the wealth. Not too sure what being indestructible would do for mankind, ya know?
2) chocolate or vanilla?
if it's ice cream, it's chocolate. if it's cake, it's vanilla.
3) scrambled or fried eggs?
scrambled, baby. those runny centers just don't do it for me.
4) winter sports or summer sports?
no sports at all, really. but if i had to pick, it would be winter -- love ice skating and skiing and hockey
5) cookies or cake?
6) vote on the issues or with political parties?
issues. and i have lots of them.
7) Indiana Jones or James Bond?
is that a question? without a doubt -- Indy! he's so rugged and manly. none of that Pommy crap.
8) dinner w/Osama Bin Laden or hunting with Dick Cheney?
this one is hard. okay. probably dinner w/ OBL because i'm afraid Cheney might shoot me. and, at least, the conversation would be interesting.
9) be able to swim underwater without coming up for air or be able to fly?
fly. swimming won't get me to the west coast any faster.
10) talk like Foghorn Leghorn or Elmer Fudd?
i say, i say, i say-a Foghorn Leghorn, please.
Hard call there... probably rich so I can share the wealth. Not too sure what being indestructible would do for mankind, ya know?
2) chocolate or vanilla?
if it's ice cream, it's chocolate. if it's cake, it's vanilla.
3) scrambled or fried eggs?
scrambled, baby. those runny centers just don't do it for me.
4) winter sports or summer sports?
no sports at all, really. but if i had to pick, it would be winter -- love ice skating and skiing and hockey
5) cookies or cake?
6) vote on the issues or with political parties?
issues. and i have lots of them.
7) Indiana Jones or James Bond?
is that a question? without a doubt -- Indy! he's so rugged and manly. none of that Pommy crap.
8) dinner w/Osama Bin Laden or hunting with Dick Cheney?
this one is hard. okay. probably dinner w/ OBL because i'm afraid Cheney might shoot me. and, at least, the conversation would be interesting.
9) be able to swim underwater without coming up for air or be able to fly?
fly. swimming won't get me to the west coast any faster.
10) talk like Foghorn Leghorn or Elmer Fudd?
i say, i say, i say-a Foghorn Leghorn, please.
Lessons Learned
Sooooo... M and I have done some serious growing in our friendship lately. It's been hard. We've cried. I've yelled. There has been crazy typing. Lots of long email back and forth. But I've learned a few things about myself, and about my relationship w/M. Perfect timing for Laura's CJ: Lessons I've learned about love.
Instead of belaboring the ordeal for all of cyberspace, instead I share my layout. The journaling reads...
friends will always love you, even:

Instead of belaboring the ordeal for all of cyberspace, instead I share my layout. The journaling reads...
friends will always love you, even:
- if you disagree with them
- after you argue
- if you confront them
- after they call you on your shortcomings
- if you don't talk to them for 8 months
- when you are unsure of yourself
- when you say stupid crap that embarasses them
- if sometimes you think you are unlovable
friends love you for who you are. no matter what.
it took me a long time to learn exactly what a friend is and does. now that i know, i'm a stronger person and a better friend.
Beautiful Brevard
Some snaps from our weekend in Brevard...
One problem -- no White Squirrels!!!
One problem -- no White Squirrels!!!

at the base of Triple Falls

Rainy Monday and a 2Peas Chellenge...
2 Peas Challenge:
Describe your childhood home.
Blog about it, and share some memories...
My parents moved to GA when I was 18 months old. From that time until graduated from college (save 1 year in college and a summer away), I lived in that house.
Being the youngest by such a huge gap (16 years), I was basically an only child, so I had the run of the place from the time I was 7 or 8. It was a 4 bedroom split-level. We had a huge kitchen where we would eat dinner as a family every night. I remember finishing dinner and my sister getting up to make coffee. She would sigh something about "Cinderella" and everyone would laugh. Before my brother and sister moved out, I would sit in the corner of the wrap-around bench that went around our dinner table. So, if I wanted to leave, it was "Just go under, T." And I would.
For a good while, my grandparents lived downstairs from us. My dad converted the garage into an in-law suite, complete with a kitchen. After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather stayed for a while. But taking care of a child and an invalid (my grandfather had a stroke and was paralyzed on the left side of his body) was a bit too much, so my grandfather moved into a nursing home up North near the rest of his children.
Because the house was so big, and Mom and Dad had a pool put in, we had big parties during the summer, and I guess during the winter, too, for that matter. I remember 4th of July parties the best. My brother set up with a band in the living room downstairs. There were people everywhere. Lots of food, lots of friends. It never occurred to me that I was just a little kid. I had fun with all the adults... The barbecue would be going non-stop, there would be watermelon and mile-high cheesecake. My parents' friends taught me stupid cheers "U-G-L-Y- You ain't got no alibi! You Ugly! Uh, Uh! You Ugly!" Or how to do a correct forward crawl in the pool. My brother would dunk me under or do handstands in the deep end, so all I saw were his feet. My sister grabbed me and danced with me. Just so much fun. Then, at night, when everything would quiet down, I would lay in my mom's lap, waterlogged and exhausted. My brother and one of his friends would play their guitars. Everyone sang along, and I would fall asleep to the sound of voices, music, and that gentle squeak guitar strings make as fingers move across them. Content.
Describe your childhood home.
Blog about it, and share some memories...
My parents moved to GA when I was 18 months old. From that time until graduated from college (save 1 year in college and a summer away), I lived in that house.
Being the youngest by such a huge gap (16 years), I was basically an only child, so I had the run of the place from the time I was 7 or 8. It was a 4 bedroom split-level. We had a huge kitchen where we would eat dinner as a family every night. I remember finishing dinner and my sister getting up to make coffee. She would sigh something about "Cinderella" and everyone would laugh. Before my brother and sister moved out, I would sit in the corner of the wrap-around bench that went around our dinner table. So, if I wanted to leave, it was "Just go under, T." And I would.
For a good while, my grandparents lived downstairs from us. My dad converted the garage into an in-law suite, complete with a kitchen. After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather stayed for a while. But taking care of a child and an invalid (my grandfather had a stroke and was paralyzed on the left side of his body) was a bit too much, so my grandfather moved into a nursing home up North near the rest of his children.
Because the house was so big, and Mom and Dad had a pool put in, we had big parties during the summer, and I guess during the winter, too, for that matter. I remember 4th of July parties the best. My brother set up with a band in the living room downstairs. There were people everywhere. Lots of food, lots of friends. It never occurred to me that I was just a little kid. I had fun with all the adults... The barbecue would be going non-stop, there would be watermelon and mile-high cheesecake. My parents' friends taught me stupid cheers "U-G-L-Y- You ain't got no alibi! You Ugly! Uh, Uh! You Ugly!" Or how to do a correct forward crawl in the pool. My brother would dunk me under or do handstands in the deep end, so all I saw were his feet. My sister grabbed me and danced with me. Just so much fun. Then, at night, when everything would quiet down, I would lay in my mom's lap, waterlogged and exhausted. My brother and one of his friends would play their guitars. Everyone sang along, and I would fall asleep to the sound of voices, music, and that gentle squeak guitar strings make as fingers move across them. Content.