My friend, Laura's, cat is staying with us for a while, so Bella has a new friend. His name is Sampson. After taking some time to settle in, he is now comfortable enough to venture into Bella's play area. Yesterday, he was so patient and gentle that he let her pet him. He thought this was gooooood, so he even got up on the coffee table for some head butting.
Our permanent cats, Luna and Xerxes, really take no interest in Bella. They will tolerate her petting, but find an escape route as soon as possible. Kharma, our "guard" dog, thinks that Bella is good for one thing, and one thing only: licking. So, we have to curb that. It's been nice to have Mr. Sampson around. He's good for Bella. And I think he doesn't mind it so much himself!
Our permanent cats, Luna and Xerxes, really take no interest in Bella. They will tolerate her petting, but find an escape route as soon as possible. Kharma, our "guard" dog, thinks that Bella is good for one thing, and one thing only: licking. So, we have to curb that. It's been nice to have Mr. Sampson around. He's good for Bella. And I think he doesn't mind it so much himself!

2 Say something::
WAH!!!! I miss our Brak - our precious furbaby. He was out kitty who never accepted Lovely when we brought her home. He was a rescue and was not allowed outside, so he had to go to a new home. We miss him so. He was as kind to US as Sampson, all the nudging and cuddling, but did not like the baby and sprayed her stuff, getting ever closer to spraying her. :( So, as sweet and ADORABLE as these pics are (Can Bella be ANY more beautiful? Her name is perfect in meaning) I'm completely Braksick. But, I'm so happy she can have a buddy who lets her baby him.
Keep sharing those pics! I always look out for more! Are you mourning the end of Break? Thanks for always being so kind. I hope we can get together soon. Oh - restorative yoga is this Tues....only a couple people going....we'd love to see you...$15!!! You deserve a little mind vacation as you lay there...LOL! Take care!
OMG...that's the cutest thing EVAH!! And I'm loving the tie-dye.
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