Yep. This is the face of a teething Bella. About a week ago, she cut her first tooth. The bottom left tooth in the front. This weekend, she cut its partner... the bottom right front tooth. I guess all she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth!
Just love this picture of Bella with Kharma. She decided that she wanted to pet Kharma, so she flopped off my lap, onto her belly, and scooched over to Kharma. Kharma, being the very tolerant puppy that she is, let Bella hold her paws and lean against her for a few minutes -- long enough to snap a few of these shots. You can see the joy in Kharma's face, can't you? Finally, though, she decided she'd had enough and she slid off the couch, making sure that she didn't hurt Bella, and walked away.
1 Say something::
Oh...that's the best picture EVAH!! I'm not sure if I like Bella's expression or Kharma's more, but they are both just hilarious.
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