Nothing Like a Good Book

So, there's this Siamese Cat, right? And he gets in trouble a lot, right? So his mom sends him to his room, and he realizes that he's not a Siamese cat at all... HOLY GUACAMOLE! He's a CHIHUAHUA! Insanity ensues, complete with a band of Chimichangos and a villian known as the Bumblebeeto. Ah, such the perfect book.
And when you're having a day like I'm having, i.e., "Didn't I ask you to put that in your folder? Not your desk. Your folder." or "I've given that direction 5 times already. When will you follow it?" or "Is it necessary to sneak those bubbles outside to recess? Couldn't you just ask?"... well, you need some Skippyjon Jones in your life!
Reading this book is a rite of passage for my students every year. I pull it out at different times each year, depending on the group and the situation. Today it became the pick-me-up for a group of children who needed to do some laughing... and their teacher who desperately needed to hear them laugh. Our litte Siamese Chihuahua hero, in his muy, muy soft voice and best Spanish accent always makes my day!
Because of him, I can pick up, move on, and remember... they're children. They don't always understand. They won't always listen. They ALWAYS need to laugh!


Not a whole heck of a lot going on around here lately. Yeah... HA!!

I'm back to work which means I have less time to snap endless pictures, cruise Facebook, and, of course, add to my blog. I'm just beginning week 3 of my return to the classroom, so all of the kinks have yet to be ironed out. I have 18 little bodies to learn about, to re-train, and to teach. I have one new teacher in my room with me for half the day, which I love. And I have one HUGE pile of stuff left by my sub that I still need to get through. Did I mention grades go out in 2 weeks?

Bella is growing, growing, growing. She has her (gasp!) 4 month appointment on Friday. She's really starting to giggle and grasp at things deliberately, and attempt to roll over. All in all, she's an incredibly happy baby on an incredibly easy schedule.

Some things to look forward to (I bow down to my BFF, the queen of lists...):
  • Seeing Bella's aunts in a few weeks.
  • Seeing Amy Ray in November (Hooray, Laura!!)
  • Bella's first Halloween... she's dressing up as a female Gadget... black cat, ears and all.
  • Halloween in general, which means pumpkin carving with the Clan at the Compound.
  • Fall weather... open windows, chili, and socks. It's trying, it really is!
  • St. Augustine after Christmas
  • Christmas on the way... so, seeing Z's parents and getting our tree.

Not to wish the time away, but with the way the economy is slamming us, with the way the election madness is just dragging on and on, and since my husband had to drive around like a madman finding gas for my car on Friday... these little things remain a spark, a light in the distance.

There's not really much else to report, so I guess it's off to bed for me. Gotta be ready for those kiddies tomorrow!

The Twinkies

Before the wedding, we had an opportunity to meet L&J's new girls: Caroline and Lily. They were 8 weeks early... born about a week before Bella. Because they were early, we couldn't see them until recently. It was so much fun to hold them, though I know L&J are just exhausted taking care of their little girls. We're going to have our hands full when these girls start crawling... nevermind when they turn 16!!

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My Best Friend's Wedding.

We had a whirlwind weekend with M, K and their families this weekend as we celebrated their wedding! What a beautiful ceremony. So good to see my BFF so happy. So great to have K become part of our "family." We were honored to stand up with their families and support their marriage. Now... bring on the babies!!!
Some highlights from the weekend:

Aunt K blowing kisses to Bella while MamaG looks on.

Zach, looking quite dapper, and oh so happy, in his suit.

Picture time!

Julie AKA "Big Pink," stylin' and profilin'.

Pose much?

Let K eat CAKE!

Yep. That's me and my BFF!

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Weekend at the Lake

Somehow, over the weekend, Kharma became a water dog. I'm not really sure how or why it happened, but it did. We've visited lakes on many of our hikes, and our girl would often step in to get her feet wet and splash around a little, but she's never really gone swimming. For some reason (maybe it was the ducks), Kharma decided that this time, she was swimming!
Loved playing with the new camera this weekend. I took about 100 pictures of Kharma while she was running around and swimming and acting crazy. Also took some pictures of my man. He loves being outdoors and camping... unfortunately, the heat made our weekend a bit sedentary, and he doesn't consider RVing the same as camping.
Bella got some time in with Grammy and PopPop. I don't know who had more fun...
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Three Months Old!!!

Where has the time gone? It's back to work for me, soon. And this little one is off to Grammy's. Good grief!
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Happy Birthday to... EVERYONE!

Happy Birthday to ME! Yes, this was the scene at the Compound yesterday. Sidebar: I really feel like I should explain a little... The "Compound" is the house where my brother, his wife, their five kids, and my two parents live. So, basically, aside from my sister's family, if I want to see the people I'm related to, I just drive 5 miles down the road, arrive at said "Compound" and BAM! there they all are. /end Sidebar. We celebrated 4 birthdays yesterday: PopPop Normy, Shannon and Eddie, and Me! You can imagine the part where we all sang "Happy Birthday to ..." went on for about a day and half. My lovely sister-in-law gestured to everyone, so that we would all stay synchronized together and not be at all confused as to why we were singing. This is why I LOVE my family!

Some cool new CD's from my brother, the arbiter of all that is cool in music. Can't wait to pop those puppies into the CD player today. Okay, who'm I kidding? They will be downloaded into iTunes and played thusly.
Fantastic shot of said music arbiter: my big bro. He had so much fun playing with Bella yesterday. Oh, and according to V, he's my doppleganger. Though, I'm not sure which of us is the evil one. I just call us "identical twins separated by 17 years." Such a cool dude. Such a fun day.
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Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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