Waving from the Great Northwest

My inner LifeArtist was tugging at me today as I spent some time in Ali's hometown of Eugene, OR. We're out West visiting Bella's Grandpa, Grandma, and Great-Grandpa. It seems that we brought the heat and humidity of Atlanta with us. While it cools down at night, it is blistering in the sun during the day. Yes, I'm melting! However, Bella is having a great time. We're able to hang out on the lawn watching the wild turkeys and deer stroll by. It's quite exciting.

Today we visited the Saturday Market in Eugene. It is one of my most favorite things to do while we're here. Eugene is a college town, as well as a hippie town. Put those two kinds of folks together and you get one amazing Market. I think it covers 4 city blocks. We got some amazing photographs from a local photographer (I'll have to link to him later... I don't have his card right in front of me...) as well as some tie-dye for the little girl. When in Rome...

After graduation, M and her girlfriend, along with Z and I spent 2 weeks out here. Of course, we visited the Saturday market. We were impressed by many things: the great art, the digeridoo (sp?) guy, M's allergic reaction to the fresh produce and flowers... and the open breastfeeding that occurred on the green. OY! I mean, I'm all for breastfeeding, but is it necessary to pop your boob out for the world to see and feed your child as though no one is watching? Yeah. No. Well, I got to do some feeding of my own today on that green --- quite covered up thankyouverymuch. But I remembered that fun Saturday we had eight years ago... one of those "you have to laugh or you'll cry" memories. And smile I did.

No fun pictures in this post, or others over the next two weeks, either, I'm afraid. We're rocking the world of dial-up out here. No cable. No DSL. Only the phone line to keep me connected to the Wide Wide World of Web. So... you'll have to have my thousand words to paint the pictures for you. Can you see the sweat dripping off my forehead as I type this???

Tomorrow Bella meets the West Coast peeps. Being as Z is an only child, we don't have aunts and uncles and cousins to meet out here... only the best kind of family instead: the family his parents chose as close friends. I can't wait to show her off and have her wow the masses with her amazing smile. Until then, I'm going to pour a HUGE glass of ice water, find the fan, and attempt to do some reading. Here's hoping I don't melt into the furniture never to return.

Send rain!

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Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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