Reality Check

Well, the in-laws left yesterday. The house is a bit quieter. The animals don't know quite what to do with themselves without their doting Grandma here to entertain them. That's right. It's time for a reality check. I have to get back to doing things like folding my laundry and emptying my dishwasher. It's been a blissful 10 days of my mom-in-law doing them for me (Thanks, Mom!).

Bella fell asleep in her Daddy's arms the other night. And, well, her Daddy can't really leave well enough alone. He was laughing that she looked like she was drunk. Drunk on binky. Hence, the second picture below. Not my best Photoshop work, but you get the idea.

For me, it's back to reality and the list of phone calls I have to make tomorrow.

One last fun picture before I go... Kharma decided that the mat to Bella's play gym would make a suitable bed for her own use. Crazy dog.

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Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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