It's Wednesday and the bulk of my first week back is over! Hallelujah! I'd forgotten how tough it is to manage 16 little people: their bodies, their needs, their MOUTHS, their minds. WOW. It's sad to say, but I'm refreshed to be teaching regular, run of the mill kids. I have a passion for helping children who need it, but after three years of having the neediest children hurled at me from all directions, I'm enjoying your "average joes." I have one child who hasn't learned impulse control yet. Another who doesn't really talk, unless your force her. Yet another who wants to please so badly, but he just hasn't found his way. Needless to say, I'm in love!
The best part of this "back in the classroom" gig is getting to revisit all the fun things I do every year. Rereading old books is like putting on an old t-shirt. They fit me just right and are so comfortable. I know I'm home.
I hate that there has been such a heat wave because my original intention for working 3 miles from home was to walk home everyday. It has been too hot to take the kids out to play, let alone walk 3 miles home. Enter my fitness hero: MG! Thanks to her and Kate's life merge, I am the proud new owner of a treadmill. I've named him George. We have a 45 minute date together everyday. He calls to me and forces me to run my ass off. Run! Okay. I walk mostly. But he entices me. And I do run.
What more can I say in this uncharacteristically long blog post? Oh yes! Getting ready for CKU. Soooo excited about Nashville. In fact, this time next week I'll be driving there. Our dorm was picked to perform, so that's going to be a blast. I get to create all weekend. Yay!
This totally cracked me up, though: I put in my leave form and in the "reason" section for my absence, I simple wrote "convention." On the leave form signed by my principal, she also wrote, "Bring back lots of great ideas!" I had to giggle. I think I'll share w/my grade leve the benefits of using chipboard when teaching children how to read.... =op
So much to do and so little time. This is me answering George's call so I can get some other things done this PM......
1 Say something::
So glad that you and George have hit it off!! Great news. Also glad to hear that the first week is feeling good. Hooray!
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