Shameless pet post
And, who needs those big nose dog pictures, when you have your very own?
And, finally, the Luna. Grey. Shy. Not very photogenic. But cuddly as all get out!!!
Other than torturing our animals with endless pictures (I think Z may be preparing for Daddy-hood), there's not much to report around here. The all-day sickness seems to be subsiding, although I have temporary relapses from time to time. Just working on growing a healthy baby and teaching some third graders in the meantime.
Enjoy the genius that I call a spouse.
GPS, Scaredy Dogs, and LOTS of good food
More CKU pix
Uploaded a few more snaps from CKU...
My Girls and Ana Cabrera
Got those post-CKU blues
And now... Some fun pictures to share:
Laura with her Indigo Girls Happy Thing page.
Laura... doing what she does best.
Mara, with her bird page.
I decided to stay up with L to work more on my album. Everyone else went to bed (losers). Well, lo and behold some random lady walks in and says “Do you want to make a cool Rusty Pickle album with Mr. Pickle himself?” L’s head popped up and her eyes got wide. Why, yes! We’d love to. Sooooo, at midnight, L and I packed up all our crap and hauled it across the hall to do the Rusty Pickle Midnight Bootleg class with Lance Anderson. SOOOO much fun, and a great altered chipboard book. Well worth our 2:30 A.M. bedtime!
So CKU's a great start...
Hump Day
The best part of this "back in the classroom" gig is getting to revisit all the fun things I do every year. Rereading old books is like putting on an old t-shirt. They fit me just right and are so comfortable. I know I'm home.
I hate that there has been such a heat wave because my original intention for working 3 miles from home was to walk home everyday. It has been too hot to take the kids out to play, let alone walk 3 miles home. Enter my fitness hero: MG! Thanks to her and Kate's life merge, I am the proud new owner of a treadmill. I've named him George. We have a 45 minute date together everyday. He calls to me and forces me to run my ass off. Run! Okay. I walk mostly. But he entices me. And I do run.
What more can I say in this uncharacteristically long blog post? Oh yes! Getting ready for CKU. Soooo excited about Nashville. In fact, this time next week I'll be driving there. Our dorm was picked to perform, so that's going to be a blast. I get to create all weekend. Yay!
This totally cracked me up, though: I put in my leave form and in the "reason" section for my absence, I simple wrote "convention." On the leave form signed by my principal, she also wrote, "Bring back lots of great ideas!" I had to giggle. I think I'll share w/my grade leve the benefits of using chipboard when teaching children how to read.... =op
So much to do and so little time. This is me answering George's call so I can get some other things done this PM......
Spongebob says, "See ya, Sucker!"
I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, empatically: I love these girls!
A love song, obviously.
It doesn't really hurt.
Thursday Thirteen
1. My husband. I mean, really, what an amazing guy!
2. My career. What more could one ask for? I get to help children learn. The rewards are endless.
3. The world of scrapbooking because it has helped me find:
4. Creativity. I can sit down and make shit. Out of paper and pictures and glue and paint. Oh yes.
5. Good friends. Life would be so BORING without them.
6. FurKids. There is nothing like being greeted at the door by a wagging tail and 2 meows.
7. Books. Anothe way to get away from the stress in life. Also keeps my brain active.
8. The Wide Wide World of Web. This way I can stay in touch with those I care about when they're far away.
9. Music. HolyShit. Music. My lifeblood. If I'm not singing it out loud or humming, I'm relating what you're saying to a song I heard. My memories are connected to songs. Yeah. Music.
10. Shoes. The inventor of shoes knew what s/he was doing. I can never have too many pairs, and shoes bring me such joy.
11. Family. There is never a dull moment when it comes to being part of a big family. Sometimes you just strap in and hold on for the ride. Other times, you feel like Atlas, afraid that one wrong move will alter the universe. Either way, I wouldn't be who I am today without those wacky folks I call family.
12. Calendars. Honestly. They rule my life. Keep me sane.
13. Flattening Irons. Okay. A bit nuts, but my hair looks so good when I use a flattening iron. Trite? Yes. But a girl has her priorities, no?
Timely Challenge
Challenges? Me? I think they've been a running theme in my blog lately. Seems like the past 6 months have been nothing BUT a challenge. Sure, there have been some great times, some fun, lots of laughter... but the challenges lurk in the dark. They're there. They just don't always show their nasty faces.
Challenge 1: Leaving the school where I began teaching to move closer to home, rekindle my passion for teaching, and find the sanity to possibly start a family.
Challenge 2: My best friend moving away. We've talked about it. I think it's the BEST decision for her and her partner. The challenge comes from my selfishness.
Challenge 3: DH starting his own business. Start-up fees, LLC, payroll companies, rent, you name it... it's money leaving the bank account, not going in. But I trust my husband whole-heartedly and I know he will make it work.
Challenge 4: Family crap. Doesn't everyone have family crap that's always creeping up on them? I'm not going into detail here. It just doesn't feel right. But I will say that I am so proud of my family for closing ranks and pulling together. Wow. Challenges are always better met with tons of support from your family. Yay for us!
So, yeah. So many challenges I'm facing right now. Better to do them all at once? I don't know... I think it was MG who said, "Won't it be great to be bored a year from now?" Hell yes! Bring on the boredom. I'm more than ready for it!
It's that time of year...
When school supplies are UBER cheap, and I can fulfill some serious cravings I have for new folders, pencils, crayola products, paper, glue sticks... the list goes on. I decided to buy the bare minimum this year, but then my dorm secret sister pops up with BOXES of supplies for my classroom! WOW. This is me TOTALLY overwhelmed. I'm so grateful. And did I mention overwhelmed?
So, in a week and a half, I go to orientation at my new school. In two weeks, the "school year" begins. In three weeks I have new students and begin another whirlwind year of third grade. It promises to be an exciting one. New faces, new expectations, new friends to be made. New classroom, new culture. New new new.
Change is imminent. Change is about evolving. Change is about what's new. I'm all about some change. And...
Crayola Crayons!
Waiting on Harry
5 Little Things
Name 5 things you do every day, without fail.
1. Blow my nose. It's a sad situation, but inevitably, I always end up using several tissues through the course of a day.
2. Kiss my husband. So important to the old adage: Never go to bed angry.
3. Read. I always have a book going and one waiting in the wings. It's my escape time.
4. Shower or Bathe. Unless we're camping, there is a shower or bath in my life every day. Some folks can go every other day, but not me.
5. Talk on the phone. Whether it's chatting with M, my sister in law, or just checking in w/Z, I use the phone.
Soooo, not very profound, but part those are the things I do everyday. I could have lied and said things like exercise or eat vegetables. But there are some days when a vegetable doesn't cross or I don't lace up my walking shoes.
As I'm getting closer to the school year, I'm thinking more and more about rituals, patterns, and plans for daily life. With Z working nearly 11 hours a day now, there are many things he just doesn't have the energy for when he gets home. I don't necessarily think he should be immune to helping out -- everyone has some responsibility -- but I need to figure out how I'm going to use my days wisely. Work is less than 10 minutes away now... about 5 if the lights and train are in my favor. Definitely time to start planning: exercise, meals, housework, excursions to Winston, camping, family time, "us" time.
Glad I love a list, though I think I'll ponder a bit more before I start putting these ideas on paper. A well-thought-out list is a million times better than one shoddily put together. List-neurosis can be your friend.
One Pooped Pup and Two Happily Sore Legs
So glad we were able to spend good, quality time together. So glad to see M so very happy now. It's about time, dammit.
On Saturday K and A, along with Max AKA "B Frieze" joined us for an ~8 mile hike on the Bushwhacker and Iron Mountain Trails into Damascus. Excellent hiking, beautiful weather.
Today I will spend the day with my pooped puppy and my two happily sore legs. I might even get some work done around here. =o)
Yes. I went on opening day. I saw Harry Potter. Not sure what I'm thinking yet... Parts of it I really enjoyed. Parts of it were disappointing. I'm not going to go into gorey HP detail here, as I am a total HP dork, but I wonder how the 6th movie will address some of the loose ends and plot pieces they left out.
If Mandy says...
Here's part of the excitement: C3. Z's new business venture. In progress, obviously.
Every once in a while...
After M complained about 2 opening acts before Girlyman @ Eddie's last night, we were more than pleasantly suprised by Adrianne. Wow. Haven't heard a voice that rich or songwriting that spot-on in a long time. Perhaps my fave line: "I need a friend like a flashlight..." If I could get youtube to work for me, I'd post a video. I'll work on it...
Yeah. Me still basking in the glow of great live music. Aaaaah.
Too bad I quit smoking.
10 Questions a'la James Lipton
On 2Peas, someone posted his list of 10 questions. Here they are w/my answers:
1. What is your favorite word? behoove
2. What is your least favorite word? can't
3. What turns you on? my husband's smile
4. What turns you off? neediness
5. What is your favorite curse word? dammit
6. What sound or noise do you love? purring cats, rain on the roof
7. What sound or noise do you hate? children crying
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? dancer
9. What profession would you not like to attempt? septic tank cleaner
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Well done, Theresa. Well done."
Tell me something good...
It's Finally Summer!
So much has happened since I posted in January (geez! it doesn't SEEM like it was that long ago...) Here's a quick rundown. Zach's 30th birthday w/his parents in town. Mandy and Kate time (love that girl!). Job at OU. Debacle with GCPS job. Finally got a new one. Spring Break insanity with the WHOLE fam in FL. Bonding with the Peas in Americus.
And, just in the last week: the last day of school... my last day at BRES. I cried. It was so hard. I started my career there. All the people I know and love are there. My teaching history resides in that building. But now I start a new journey. 3 miles from home. Back in the classroom. Good stuff.
With the last day of school came Tavern Night. A tradition. Such good times. A recap in pictures:
Nicole, Sarah, Stacy and the Holy Water.
Stacy and Susana. Not too sure what's happening here...