Becoming a Life Artist

So, I'm back from CKU-Albums. What an awesome, amazing, fabulous, (insert your choice of excited adjective here) experience! 4 days surrounded by women who love to do what I love to do. New friends, new experiences, new life lessons learned. I took the album class "A Week in the Life" with Ali Edwards. Wow. Just wow. She is a total inspiration and someone that I admire now more than ever. Enjoyed watching Cathy Zielske's antics. What a completely fun person. Her personality just exudes, well, fun. I stalked Tim Holtz, but not really. I know he doesn't bat for my team, but he sure is nice to look at! And, now, officially the cutest scrapartist out there: Ginger Rohlfs. I'll have to get a pic from Mandy. She's just adorable!

So, as soon as blogger lets me, I will post the pictures from this awesome weekend...

Monday Music Mambo

Monday Music Mambo - Week 109
Today is opinion day, so give me your opinion on . . .

Country Music. Tolerate it. I mean, I enjoy the Dixie Chicks, I can handle some crossover, but I cannot do twangy men or women. No twang. Period.

The Beatles. Love 'em. How can you not? Though, I must say, I am more of an early fan rather than later. The acid music doesn't rock for me as much as the bubble gum. Sang em at my wedding reception, had em sung at my wedding, sang em at my senior recital in college. Can't go wrong with Lennon and McCartney.

Synthesizers. Yeah. Not too sure about this. Good if used properly, suck if used for everything.

Banjos. If its bluegrass, hell yeah. If it's Deliverance, hell nah!

Ray Charles. God is love. Love is blind. Ray Charles is blind. Ergo, Ray Charles is God. QED.

Heavy Metal. Married a metal head. Can only take so much before my head starts pounding. But I'm willing to listen... for a while... and a price.

"Stairway To Heaven" Why not? Yeah, it's a cliche. Yeah, everyone learns to play it on guitar. Soooo... why the hell not? It wants to be a good song. Really.

Violins. Only if they're in tune. 'Nuff said.

Bruce Springsteen. He's the Boss. Not Tony Danza. American Spirit at its finest. And, he's a Jersey boy. A man after my own heart. Love him.

The Blues Blues riffs, good. BB King, good. Using blues progressions in all forms of music, good. Blues sung by white women who think they're sexy, not good. <-- You can Mambo, too!


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So... I really do scrap.

Finished this 2 page layout today... for a circle journal.

I hope to post more of my 8X8 and 8.5X11 layouts... unfortunately, my scanner can't take 12X12 layouts.

i am a survey-taking machine

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Birth Date?:august 28
Hair Color?:light brown/dark blonde
Eye Color?:blue/green
Body Type?:human
Piercings?:ears only
Tattoos?:none yet
What are you wearing right now?:pajamas
Hair style at the moment?:bed head
* Favorites *
Food?:chips and cheese dip
Drink?:clear american from wal mart
Alcoholic Drink?:woo
Time of day?:morning
Day of the week?:friday
Song at the moment?:underground -- ben folds five
Band/Artist?:too many to mention
Book?:the giver by lois lowry
Subject in school?:english/lit/writing
Place in the USA?:eugene, oregon
Place outside the USA?:bay of islands, new zealand
Style of clothes?:comfortable
Mall?:don't have one
City?:new york
Magazine?:creating keepsakes
Kind of pet?:dogs and cats
* Worst *
Place to be?:large crowds
Class in school?:biology, my senior year of college
Time of dayr?:early afternoon
Season?:winter -- it's too dark!
Kind of pet?:ferret
Drink?:anything with coconut
Mall?:don't care
Store?:old kmarts
Style of clothes?:sequins or lycra
Celebrity?:tom cruise
Color?:fluorescent orange
Book?:the wallet of kai lung
Type of music?:gangsta rap
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?:any time between 6 and 9, during the school year: 5:45
What is your first thought?:where are the tissues?
What do you do first?:rub my eyes
What's your usual outfit?:pants and t shirt
What's the first class of the day?:whatever i've scheduled... this year it was writing workshop
When does school end?:2:45 for the kids, around 4 for me
Do you see your friends?:yes, often
What do you do when you get home?:plop down on the couch for a while
What time do you go to bed?:10:00
* Do you...*:
Brush your teeth daily?:yes
Brush your hair daily?:nope, don't brush my hair
Shower daily?:yes
Sing?:a lot
Get drunk?:yep
Have sex?:ummm... i'm married...
Read books?:yes
Listening to music a lot?:yes
Read magazines?:yes
Go online a lot?:too much!
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?:nope... no IMs for me
Have a religion?:faith, yes... religion, no
Have an IPod?:no
Want an IPod?:yes!
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?:in addition to my hubby? no
Play an instrument?:the nose harp
Get sick a lot?:yes -- heinous allergies!
Watch TV?:yes
Like MTV?:for the shows, not the videos
Like VH1?:ditto
Like the History Channel?:sometimes
Have Digital Cable?:nope
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?:nope
Listen to the radio?:sometimes, ususally NPR
Still use your CD player?:yep
Stalk people?:only cool people
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?:nope
Have dial-up internet?:nope
Have AOL?:nope
Know HTML?:a little
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?:nope
Get H's in honors classes?:what's an H?
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?:no
R & B?:some
Blues and/or Jazz?:some
Emo/Scremo?:hello no
Heavy Metal?:only if my hubby is playing it
Broadway Musical songs?:some
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?:love red, but my DH had dark brown
Eye color?:green
Piercings?:why not
Favorite Music?:don't care
Style of clothing?:personal
Body Type?:tall
Personality or Looks?:personality
Would you go out with someone just for their money?:no
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?:probably
Does size matter?:it depends...
Do they have to be popular?:no
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?:either way
Where do you go on the first date?:wherever
Kiss on the first date?:sure
Sex on the first date?:nope
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?:no! i just rolled out of bed
Are you eating something?:no
Are you drinking something?:coffee
Are you IMing anyone?:nope
Are you talking on the phone with someone?:no
Are you talking face to face with someone?:no
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?:no
What song are you listening to?:nothing
What are you watching on TV?:nada
What other websites do you have open?:nope
Why are you taking this survey?:i'm bored
Where are you going to post it?:my blog, myspace
What are you going to do after this?:find something to eat
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?:yes
The afterlife?:yes
The devil?:no
Judism?:sure... if you spell it right...
Reincarnation?:why not?
Yourself?:not enough
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?:yes
Where were you going?:last time i was on one, i was going to visit my parentals
Have you been to another country?:yes
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?:nope, i went all alone
Have you ever partied in another country?:no
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?:yes -- to san francisco was my favorite!
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?:no
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?:hell no!
Talked about someone behind their back?:unfortunately, yes
Had someone talk about you behind your back?:oh yeah
Been in a fight online?:yes
Been in a fight face to face?:yes
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?:yes
Been called a bitch?:hell yes
Been called a slut/whore?:don't think so...
Been to Australia?:close -- new zealand
Do you like snakes?:nope
Ever cried to get your own way?:yes
Ever broken a bone?:yes -- my left arm
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?:no
Ever had serious surgery?:yes!
Ever looked a porn online?:wouldn't you like to know?
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?:yep
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?:sure
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?:nope
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?:no
Ever been on stage for any reason?:yes
Ever been in a play?:yes
Ever been in a choir?:yes
Ever been in a band?:no
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?:yes
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?:nope
Waxed your eyebrows?:yes
Waxed your legs?:no
Cut yourself shaving?:yes
Have you ever died?:nope
Was this survey an good at all?:it was okay, yo.
What time is it right now?:8:06 A.M.
Take this survey Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d

The Soundtrack of My Life

1) A favorite political track.
2) One of those tracks that make you dance on the dance floor no matter what.
3) The song you’d use to tell someone you love them.
4) A song that has made you sit down and analyze it’s lyrics.
5) A song that you like, that a two year old would like as well.
6) A song that gives you an energy boost.
7) A song that you and your grandparents (would probably) like.
8) A song that you really liked when you were 14-16, and still really like now.
9) A sad song that would be in the soundtrack of the movie about your life.
10) A peppy song that would start the opening credits of the movie about your life.
11) A good song from a genre of music that no one would guess that you liked.
12) A song that you think should have been playing when you were born.
13) A favorite artist duo collaboration.
14) A favorite song that you completely disagree with (politically, morally, commonsenically, religiously etc.)
15) The song that you like despite the fact your IQ level drops several points every time you listen to it.
16) Your smooth song, for relaxing.
17) A song you would send to someone you hate or are mad at.
18) A favorite track from an outfit considered a “super-group.”
19) A song that makes you reminisce about good times with a family member.
20) Your favorite song at this moment in time.

1) Philosophy of Loss – Emily Saliers
2) Blister in the Sun – Violent Femmes
3) Ghost – Indigo Girls
4) Any song written by Billy Gewin (
5) All You Need is Love – The Beatles
6) Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
7) Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy – Andrews Sisters’ version
8) Dead or Alive – Bon Jovi
9) Don’t Know Why – Norah Jones
10) Good Vibrations – Beach Boys
11) Hell of Hat – Mighty, Mighty Bosstones
12) Sowing the Seeds of Love – Tears for Fears
13) Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth – Bing Crosby and David Bowie
14) Bitches Ain’t Shit – the Ben Folds Version
15) November Rain – Guns n Roses
16) I don’t relax often… it’s kind of sad…
17) Song for the Dumped – Ben Folds Five
18) Sweet Emotion – Aerosmith
19) You’ve Got a Friend – James Taylor version
20) Underground – Ben Folds

Let me know if you meme it! Can't wait to see your responses!

Thursday... Thrusday... Thurdsay?

Not too sure what I want to post about today. I'm up... it's early... much too early to be awake on summer vacation. Yet, here I sit.

Made some changes to the template. I think I like them. Perhaps I'll keep them around for a while. Had to change the font colors so the archives would be mostly readable. I don't really feel like going back through every single post...

My sister and her family leave today. I can't believe that their visit is over. I don't think I've really had a chance to hang out with her or her fam. It's kind of a bummer. Not too sure what happened, but I know we were away on Saturday, then she was out gallavanting to G's family and her best friend's house on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Oh well, I guess I'll have to plan a trip up to NJ at some point when she's off work so we can spend a little more time together. I'm just bummed.

In other, more exciting news... Mandy is planning to come over tomorrow. We are going to have a veg day! She has graciously volunteered to help clean up my dining room/scrap room for dinner on Saturday night, then we are going to sit in front of the TV, surround sound rearing to go, diet cokes in hand, and watch some movies. This is a summer institute with her and me. We have done this for years now. It used to be a bit more often, but this year, we're just now getting to it. Better late than never...

One of my most favorite people in the world is coming to dinner on Saturday... Richard! He married Zach and me, gave the homily at my sister's wedding, held my hand as I heard the news about my mom's cancer, and is just an amazing man. He is a wise sage, and everyone is calm in his presence. He exudes zen and inner peace and love of life. I can't wait to surprise him with a birthday cake. I also can't wait to share a meal with him, my parents, and my two best friends... Life is good.

Heading down to visit mom and dad next week. M is thinking about coming, too. I'm looking forward to spending some time at the beach. My sinuses clear, my head clears, I can jump in the waves and walk on the sand. My tensions ease. It is peaceful.

The search for inner peace... is that my current mission? It's a recurring theme in this blog. Something I need to think more about.

"Keep quiet. Do your work in the world, but inwardly keep quiet. Then all will come to you." -- Nisaragada Ha Maharaj
Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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