I love this challenge because it has started me thinking about my layout for Mandy's CJ. Hooray!
Summer vacation... It would be hot, but not humid. I could walk on the beach and swim in the ocean, but not get all nasty and sweaty and sandy. I could read and scrap whenever I wanted. I could drink as many strawberry daquaris as I wanted without gaining an ounce. It would rain and cool down so that at night I could put on jeans and a sweatshirt, enjoy a fire, but not need to wear socks. I would actually LIKE how I look in a bathing suit. I would get to go camping any time I wanted and enjoy hikes with Zach and Kharma. My house would stay clean (perhaps I'd have a maid...) so that I wouldn't be bogged down. The refrigerator would be stocked with juicy strawberries, cut-up sweet watermelon, ice cold water, and lots of fresh vegetables. Grilling out... lots of chicken and the occasional steak.
I can dream, can't I?
1 Say something::
wow... great list. I totally agree with all of them, especially the straberry daquari one!
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