Back in the Saddle Again

So, I've been really bad about blogging as of late. It seems I've been really bad about a lot of things: cleaning my house, keeping in touch with my family, watching what I eat.

In the spirit of perfectionism, I am back to it... going to make it better this time.

Here is the challenge from burberrygirl on 2peas:

What would you do if you won a million dollars? pay off debt -- mine and my family's then set up a scholarship fund for my students
What would you do if you have no children? (for those who doesn't, just think reverse) I'm looking forward to having children -- I can't wait! It is going to be life changing. I guess, I would work part time and do all I could to make the child's life the best possible.
What would you do if you are the president of the United States? reform education
What would you do if you skip a meal? not sure about this one...
What would you do if you are in your ideal weight? (let's face it, who ever is?) when I get there, I am going to have my bellybutton pierced
What would you do if you could meet anyone you want and who would that be? this is really quite un-profound, but I want to meet Ben Folds and just hang out, talk, and make music with him
What would you do if you are famous? provide an excellent role model for children
What would you do if you are a "scrapbooking celebrity"? travel the world
What would you do if you could change anything in the world? find a new president, thus ending the war in Iraq and the war at home in the wake of Katrina
What would you do if you don't scrapbook? read a lot more and write a book

4 Say something::

Michelle W. said...

thanks for playing. I love it how you want to set up a scholarship for your students! That's so nice of you.


B said...

Love the list.... role model for children and reforming education - awesome thoughts!!!!

Melissa said...

I'm loving your answer to "what would you change in the world", my thoughts exactly ;)

toners said...

I would also read a lot more if I didn't scrapbook. That pile next to my bed just keeps getting bigger :)

Hi, I'm Tess! I'm a wife, a mommy, a friend, a teacher, a singer, a scrapper, a writer, a laugher, and a "wannabe" dancer. These are my ramblings... enjoy!
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