This morning Zach was up before me... I have another "snow day" today. Well, he had to take a shower and do all of his morning stuff. Now, let's remember that today is a non-working day for me. I get to sleep in. Yet... look at the time! I've been up for about an hour now. Why does he not get the whole turn-off-the-bathroom-light-when-you-leave-the-bedroom-because-your-wife-is-still-asleep-and-the-light-shines-RIGHT-in-her-eyes phenomenon? I just don't get it!
And the other thing I love -- I'm home for these two days which means that Zach's housework=NONE! ARGH! Just needed to vent.
I'm working on scones today for Mandy's PartyLite party tomorrow. I think I'm going to do some homework right now so that I don't have to worry about it later.
Just needed to get that off my chest before I began my day.