I first ask myself--what ISN'T weird about me???? But I guess these would be the top 10:
1. I LOVE to eat popcorn and M&Ms mixed.
2. I wear my wedding ring and my class ring all day long, but as soon as I get home, they come off!
3. I have this thing I do with my hair... I always run my hands through it. Sometimes, though, it makes the front of my hair stick up.
4. I have specific places for each of the items in the refrigerator -- like the milk goes on the top left in the front and the eggs go on the second shelf on the far left. Yes, I know, they make medicine for that!
5. I am anal-retentive about my handwriting.
6. I make lists for everything -- I make lists for menus, for to-dos, for the future, for what I've already finished....
7. I have to honk when I blow my nose or I don't feel like I've actually blown my nose.
8. I like to have my toes pulled and "cracked."
9. I can sing along to pretty much any song that comes on the radio.
10. I have to close the tops of the products in my bathroom -- like the shampoo, body wash, conditioner, and toothpaste flip-cap. Leaving them open is not even an option!
meme challenge -- 10 Quirky Things About Me
on Thursday, September 29, 2005
Comments: (0)
Will someone please explain to me...
on Tuesday, September 27, 2005
This morning Zach was up before me... I have another "snow day" today. Well, he had to take a shower and do all of his morning stuff. Now, let's remember that today is a non-working day for me. I get to sleep in. Yet... look at the time! I've been up for about an hour now. Why does he not get the whole turn-off-the-bathroom-light-when-you-leave-the-bedroom-because-your-wife-is-still-asleep-and-the-light-shines-RIGHT-in-her-eyes phenomenon? I just don't get it!
And the other thing I love -- I'm home for these two days which means that Zach's housework=NONE! ARGH! Just needed to vent.
I'm working on scones today for Mandy's PartyLite party tomorrow. I think I'm going to do some homework right now so that I don't have to worry about it later.
Just needed to get that off my chest before I began my day.
And the other thing I love -- I'm home for these two days which means that Zach's housework=NONE! ARGH! Just needed to vent.
I'm working on scones today for Mandy's PartyLite party tomorrow. I think I'm going to do some homework right now so that I don't have to worry about it later.
Just needed to get that off my chest before I began my day.
Here it is!
on Monday, September 26, 2005
Comments: (2)
So, I have finally created a Blog. I am soooo behind the times! I have been quite inspired by the blogs I've seen on 2Peas, so I thought I'd try it.
Today was a school holiday/"snow day" thanks to Governor Perdue. Because of the gas crisis after Hurricane Katrina Hit, the chicken man decided to ask GA schools to close today so we can conserve gasoline and energy. So, here's my question: If these days are "snow days," we'll just have to make them up later, right? So, are we really saving gas and energy? I think our Precious Perdue is full of beans.
I spent the day organizing my scrap stuff. I finally got all of my paper put into my new storage caddy-thing. I can almost see the top of the table. I also had a chance to make some cards for the people at my school who I consider my personal fan club. They have been so supportive of me on my journey to Teacher of the Year -- all 3 think that I will go to County and possibly state. I'm not too sure, but it is reassuring to have people who think you're outstanding to constantly remind you. I hope my head doesn't explode.
Ah well. I'm off to rouse the husband and put him to bed -- I think all of this overtime has finally wiped him out.
Today was a school holiday/"snow day" thanks to Governor Perdue. Because of the gas crisis after Hurricane Katrina Hit, the chicken man decided to ask GA schools to close today so we can conserve gasoline and energy. So, here's my question: If these days are "snow days," we'll just have to make them up later, right? So, are we really saving gas and energy? I think our Precious Perdue is full of beans.
I spent the day organizing my scrap stuff. I finally got all of my paper put into my new storage caddy-thing. I can almost see the top of the table. I also had a chance to make some cards for the people at my school who I consider my personal fan club. They have been so supportive of me on my journey to Teacher of the Year -- all 3 think that I will go to County and possibly state. I'm not too sure, but it is reassuring to have people who think you're outstanding to constantly remind you. I hope my head doesn't explode.
Ah well. I'm off to rouse the husband and put him to bed -- I think all of this overtime has finally wiped him out.