...for these two.
Wordle, I love you.

Created this nifty little diddy at http://www.wordle.net/. Thanks to my pals at scrapfreak for introducing it to me!
Current Favorites
Currently loving this picture because you can see Bella's teeth! I did some silly editing with spot color to highlight those little white buds. They look cute, but they can be lethal! She's learning to not bite down on people with them, even though she still likes to grab everyone's hands and stick them in her mouth.
Another current favorite. Z did an amazing job taking and editing this photo (among others) of my folks hanging with Bella in our front yard. It looks like we live in such a nice house... Though you can't make it out very well, Bella is wearing her "cow outfit." Black and gray polka dot shirt, gray pants with black cuffs, black and white polka dot socks and a cowhead bib. It's a bit over the top, but what are grandparents for? And, yes, that IS a gigantic cross my dad is wearing. He was just returning from presiding over a wedding and he wears that cross when he's "working."
So hard to get motivated today. I've been fighting a sinus infection for the better part of the week. That, paired with parent-teacher conferences has left me absolutely obliterated. I broke the rules this morning and had Bella nap in the bed with me. She was awake for a while before I was able to open my eyes again. Dealing with a day at home without Z... attempting to do laundry and straighten up, though I'm not really getting far in either endeavor. Don't want to venture outside into the cold to get Kharma. Don't want to fold laundry. Would rather curl up with a book and a cup of coffee... Here's to Thanksgiving coming soon which brings many family visits... first from the aunts then the in-laws. Then it's Winter Break and two weeks of off time!
Guess what? I'm ready!
5 Months!!
It's been a big month for you, little girl. Leading up to your 5 month birthday, you've:
- gotten two new teeth on the bottom
- learned how to eat rice cereal, then green beans, then peas
- almost mastered rolling from your back to your stomach, though you still get frustrated and often refuse to roll from your stomach to your back without help
- celebrated your first Halloween
- discovered just how high you can jump in your johnny-jump-up
- decided that you're ready to crawl, you're just not sure how to do it yet
- mastered sleeping from 7PM to 6AM and sometimes a little later
- had your first swing in the park
- gotten very good at grabbing things and putting them in your mouth
So many new things you've learned how to do. You're growing, growing, growing, and we love you more and more everyday.
You don't know it, but you were also alive to witness history: our first African American president was elected the day before your 5 month birthday. What exciting times we live in. I'm so glad that you will grow up in a world where people are becoming more and more accepting of differences everyday. You won't think twice about someone other than a white man having power in our country. You won't think twice about someone speaking another language in your class. You won't think twice about your aunts being married and having children. You will recognize the person, not the color or language or religion or orientation. It will all be the natural way of life for you. Change is here. I'm glad you're alive to be a part of it.
Halloween Highlights

Halloween was a lot of fun this year. We carved pumpkins with the Clan and enjoyed 4 different varieties of chili, thanks to M! Bella was a black cat -- her homage to Gadget. She made it through about 4 houses before she fell asleep, but we kept her strolling along with her cousins. Can't wait for her to walk some of it herself next year!