My DH's blog. His amazing work, on display for the WideWideWorldofWeb to see! Hooray!
Enjoy the genius that I call a spouse.
GPS, Scaredy Dogs, and LOTS of good food
on Monday, October 8, 2007
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We spent the weekend with our two favorite people, M&K in their new home... 5.5 hours away and worth every minute of the drive! Soooo good to see great friends and enjoy time together. Nice to be able to talk about secrets (no disclosure here, thankyouverymuch) and life and choices and family and movies and music and insanity. I just love these women.
Yeah. So, M gave us directions, but we also took the GPS with us. Z kept waiting for it to get frustrated instead of just saying "Recalculating." Perhaps he was waiting for the "turn here, dammit!" that never came. All in all, though, I am a fan of the GPS. And apparently the article "the." (As in, we don't have "the" cable, so we get "the" Netflix.)
Awhile back, I posted about how Kharma was afraid of Gadget, M's cat. Well, not much has changed. She was freaked out by that little black thing. Still. Damn cat. No, really, I do love him. But it cracks me up that my big dog is afraid of little 8 pound him. Insane.
We ate sooo much great food while we were visiting. They fed us like royalty. Great breakfasts and dinners. Snacks in between. Good sight-seeing and hiking, too. Cannot wait to get back there!