I miss Inside the Actors Studio. Not having the cable makes a difference in subtle ways. Like Mr. Lipton. Love him.
On 2Peas, someone posted his list of 10 questions. Here they are w/my answers:
1. What is your favorite word? behoove
2. What is your least favorite word? can't
3. What turns you on? my husband's smile
4. What turns you off? neediness
5. What is your favorite curse word? dammit
6. What sound or noise do you love? purring cats, rain on the roof
7. What sound or noise do you hate? children crying
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? dancer
9. What profession would you not like to attempt? septic tank cleaner
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Well done, Theresa. Well done."
Tell me something good...
on Monday, June 4, 2007
Comments: (1)
So, the 2Peas challenge today was to think of a time when something good came of something bad. I can think of several.
1. I had been teaching third grade for 3 years, always having the gifted cluster in my class. I loved it! Even decided to get a gifted endorsement. Then my principal turned on me. She decided that I no longer "deserved" the gifted children, so she moved the cluster somewhere else. It was a real blow to my ego. BUT, the year that I had just a regular ol' class, I LOVED it. I found out what it was like to not have children leaving your class every day. Not to have to make up all kinds of work with them. Awesome.
2. On the flip side, that same principal forced me into taking the Gifted Program Teacher position the year she left the school. She told the new principal how awesome I was at teaching gifted kids (ha!) and that I would be perfect for the job. Wellllll, I HATED it. I went to the new principal crying. She "interviewed" me to open a second grade class since our second grades were overflowing. I ended up teaching that group of children in second and third grade. Looping those kiddos, watching them grow and change and learn was so amazing. One of the best experiences of my life.
3. Dating Tomas. Oy! What insanity. Two years younger than me, I was taken with his rebel attitude and funky sense of style. He dressed like he was in a SKA band. He smoked bidi cigarettes. I was smitten. But it was so mentally unhealthy. Just stupid really. So, he broke it off. I was devastated. And his best friend was there to pick up the pieces and be my friend. 10 years later, that best friend and I are married. Yup. And we don't talk to crazy old Tomas anymore. Things definitely worked out for the BEST.
And... because I worked so hard on it today, I have to post my new collage, created for my siggy at 2Peas.