I know that practically everyone has received this in a chain email at some point, but I believe that it bears repeating.
What Teachers Make
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Susan. Be honest. What do you make?"
Susan, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make?"
"I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall in absolute silence.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids wonder. I make them question. I make them criticize. I make them apologize and mean it. I make them write. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math and perfect their final drafts in writing.
I make them understand that if you have the brains, and follow your heart, and if someone ever tries to judge you by what you make, you must pay no attention because they just didn't learn."
Susan paused and then continued, "You want to know what I make?
I MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What do you make?"
10 years and counting...
This month marks Z's and my 10th anniversary together, 4 years of marriage. HOORAY! I'm so lucky to have an amazing husband.
To celebrate, we went to NC to choose and cut our own Christmas tree. It was soooo much fun! This is only our second live tree (since we spend every other Christmas away), and I'm loving it! Here are some shots of us cutting down the tree...

And, the finished product...

What Christmas Carol Are You?
You are 'Silent Night'! You really enjoy Christmas, and you like your Christmases conventional. For you, Christmas is about family and traditions, and you rather enjoy the rituals of going to church at midnight and turning off the lights before flaming the plum pudding. Although you find Christmas shopping frustrating, you like the excitement of wrapping and hiding presents, and opening a single door on the Advent Calendar each day. You like the traditional carols, and probably teach the children to sing along to them. More than anyone else, you will probably actually have a merry Christmas!
Take this quiz: Quizilla
Take this quiz: Quizilla
So, Bonnie @2Peas has posted this challenge: Blog about the things in life that are offensive to you... do you take offense easily, or not????
I'm a jokester -- there's not doubt about that. And I tend to say things that can be offensive or embarrass people. I wouldn't say that I'm easily offended, but there are some things that, if said, set me off.
1. These kids can't learn. They can't do it.
I'm a teacher, a teachers' teacher, and above all, an advocate for children. Don't tell me These kids can't... All children can and will as long as I am around. It might take some patience, some extra support, a different viewpoint, a different method, but ALL KIDS CAN!
2. That woman needs to lose a few.
As a woman who is overweight -- and not by a little -- this makes me NUTS! Don't tell me that a woman who has a little extra skin here and there needs to lose weight. It is a daily, uphill battle for me. People who say She needs to lose a few obviously have NEVER struggled with it. So, shut up! Are you a doctor? Since when does your opinion matter? (Okay, I need to exhale -- got a little worked up there...)
3. Addressing many when you only need to address a few.
Okay, so hypothetical and silly situation here, but a good way to illustrate my point: Several people at the office are not covering their mouths when they sneeze. The bossman knows exactly who these people are. He sees them daily. Other workers have complained, and he has made a note of it. Finally, during the height of cold season, the bossman gets really ticked off because these people are sneezing a LOT, and no one is covering her/his mouth. So, he writes an angry memo. One that states, "The next person who sneezes without covering his/her mouth will receive a letter of reprimand." Instead of sending it to the offenders, he sends it to the ENTIRE staff, as though ALL of them have committed this offense. This bothers me so much, and it offends me when I am the one who has not committed the offense. Talk to the people whom you are angry with; don't bother me with it when I've done nothing wrong.
So, in the spirit of offense, I invite you to rent a Carlos Mencia DVD, listen to one of his CDs or watch his TV show on Comedy Central. You will be offended. And then you will laugh. We're all offenders. Carlos Mencia shows us just how STUPID we sound when we offend.
I'm a jokester -- there's not doubt about that. And I tend to say things that can be offensive or embarrass people. I wouldn't say that I'm easily offended, but there are some things that, if said, set me off.
1. These kids can't learn. They can't do it.
I'm a teacher, a teachers' teacher, and above all, an advocate for children. Don't tell me These kids can't... All children can and will as long as I am around. It might take some patience, some extra support, a different viewpoint, a different method, but ALL KIDS CAN!
2. That woman needs to lose a few.
As a woman who is overweight -- and not by a little -- this makes me NUTS! Don't tell me that a woman who has a little extra skin here and there needs to lose weight. It is a daily, uphill battle for me. People who say She needs to lose a few obviously have NEVER struggled with it. So, shut up! Are you a doctor? Since when does your opinion matter? (Okay, I need to exhale -- got a little worked up there...)
3. Addressing many when you only need to address a few.
Okay, so hypothetical and silly situation here, but a good way to illustrate my point: Several people at the office are not covering their mouths when they sneeze. The bossman knows exactly who these people are. He sees them daily. Other workers have complained, and he has made a note of it. Finally, during the height of cold season, the bossman gets really ticked off because these people are sneezing a LOT, and no one is covering her/his mouth. So, he writes an angry memo. One that states, "The next person who sneezes without covering his/her mouth will receive a letter of reprimand." Instead of sending it to the offenders, he sends it to the ENTIRE staff, as though ALL of them have committed this offense. This bothers me so much, and it offends me when I am the one who has not committed the offense. Talk to the people whom you are angry with; don't bother me with it when I've done nothing wrong.
So, in the spirit of offense, I invite you to rent a Carlos Mencia DVD, listen to one of his CDs or watch his TV show on Comedy Central. You will be offended. And then you will laugh. We're all offenders. Carlos Mencia shows us just how STUPID we sound when we offend.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
And it's finally cold here in the ATL! Hallelujah! A quick survey to get me started on the Holiday Blogging...
Christmas/New Years questionare | |
Christmas | |
Do you like christmas?: | I LOVE it! |
Whats your favorite part about christmas?: | Decorating my tree, Being with my family |
Who is your favorite person to spend christmas with?: | my husband and parents |
What time do you wake up in the morning on christmas day?: | depends on how late we were up the night before, but usually by 8 |
haha Do you believe in Santa?: | Definitely. |
Do you decorate a lot for christmas?: | I'm a moderate decorator. |
What your favorite christmas present?: | this is lame, but my cd changer for my car |
Do you send out christmas cards?: | yep -- I need to get started! |
Do you party on christmas day?: | nope -- lots of relaxation and family time. |
What is the true meaning of christmas?: | remembering to be there for those you love |
Favorite | |
Christmas Cookie?: | chocolate chip |
Person in the mager setup?: | the sheep |
christmas outfit?: | pajamas |
time on christmas day?: | christmas eve -- around 8 (everyone has eaten and we are chatting over coffee) |
Either | |
fake or real tree?: | i used to be a fake tree girl, but now it's REAL all the way! |
Lights/Decorations/Garlfand?: | TONS of white lights, silver and gold beaded garland, lots of ornaments from days gone by |
Wrapping presents or buying them?: | wrap them myself -- or make zach do it |
money or presents?: | presents |
spend christmas with family or friends?: | family |
white christmas or hot christmas?: | white christmas |
caroling or listening to carolers?: | caroling |
cocoa or cofee?: | cocoa |
blinking lights or regular?: | regular |
color lights or yellowish?: | WHITE |
manger or santa?: | both |
red or green?: | green |
Have you ever? | |
stolen anything on christmas day?: | hell no! |
Read the story of Jesus birth?: | yes |
Gotten drunk, high ect on christmas eve/day?: | comfortably buzzed |
Been a Mr. Scrooge?: | yep -- the first year my sister didn't come home for Christmas |
Donated to the homeless?: | yes |
Been exceptionaly cheery because its christmas?: | always -- it's kind of sick, actually |
New Yers | |
Where do you go?: | it depends -- usually to a friends' house |
party?: | do you consider playing games a party? |
do you get drunk?: | sometimes |
Do you go to clubs?: | Hell NO! |
have you ever been drunk and driven on new years?: | NO. |
do you have loud toys and countdown the seconds?: | sometimes. |
What are your new years resolutions?: | always health... you think i'd be SOOO healthy by now |
Do you stay up till midnight?: | yes |
Who do you spend new years with?: | my hubby and friends and famly |
Are you tired the next day?: | yes |
What time is it?: | ???????? |
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