The Moose Man is gonna be fine!
on Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Comments: (2)
Sooooooooooo, Xerxes, my kitty cat, ate a penny. No, he's not the smartest cat in the litter. But he's really cuddly!
We went to the vet. They sent me to another vet. I left that vet ($2500 for surgery -- are you NUTS?!) and went to another vet. FINALLY, someone who could perform the surgery and take care of my boy... capable and reasonable.
I brought him in this morning, confirmed his ailment, and left him in the hands of an awesome doctor.
Got a phone call a few minutes ago and found out that my boy is going to be fine. He's spending the night at the doctor's office, and I will most likely pick him up tomorrow.
WHEW! Big sigh of relief!
survey says!
on Sunday, May 28, 2006
Comments: (1)
got this from stacy on myspace. thought it was fun!
1) Are you a chick or a dude? chick
2) What's your lucky number? 3
3) Do you pray?Yes I do
4) Ever wish on stars? Sometimes
5) Do you believe in karma?Absolutely
6) What's your zodiac sign? Virgo
7) Have you ever almost died? Yes
8) Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes, and it still haunts me
9) Do you cry during sad movies? Yes
10) Do you like to dance? Love it!
11) Do you like to watch movies? Yes
12) Ever sat on a rooftop? No
13) Is there such thing as a soul mate? Yes, and I married mine.
14) Could you live without the television? Yes.
15) Could you live without music? Absolutely NOT!
16) Do you have any self inflicted scars? No
17) What do u dislike about life right now? My cat has to have surgery on Tuesday and I leave on a trip on Wednesday.
18) Have you ever been to jail? Nope
19) Ever had a job for less than a day? Nope
20) Ever been fired on your day off? Nope
21) Ever been fired because of your attitude? Nope -- but I think my AP thought about it once or twice.
22) Do you get jealous of other people? Yes, it's not pretty.
23) Would you rather love someone or be loved? be loved... I need the return!
24) What's under your bed right now? a plastic sheet... Z has yet to built a platform for our bed
25) Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes (wait, can that incriminate me?)
26) Have you ever been dumped? Oh, Yes
27) What's your GPA? don't have one2
8) How cool are you? on a scale of 1-10, I'm an 11!
29) Do you support abortion? I am pro-choice
30) What are you watching right now? the steam come off my coffee cup
31) Did you graduate high school?Yep
32) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row? Not often
33) Have you ever driven someone crazy? I'm sure I have
34) Ever bullied someone? Unfortunately, yes.
35) Ever done the Macarena? Who hasn't?
36) Do you act your age? Only when I have to!
37) Is it okay to disrespect your parent? no, but it is okay to disagree!
38) Do you flush the toilet when you're done? at home, yes, in Oregon, no
39) How long do you stay in the shower? less than 10 minues
40) What kind of soap do you use? Dove bar
41) Are mullets cool? Only on Mandy
42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman? Spiderman
43) Do you like your middle name? Yes, it's my sister's first name
44) Has anyone ever cheated on you? Yes
45) Who was the last person who called you? Dub
46) What's your favorite animal? elephant
47) Favorite color? blue
48) Have you ever shaved your head? no
49) For medical use, should weed be legal? yes
50) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive? NO
51) If you won 1 million dollars, what would you buy first? a turtle waffle cone at Bruster's!
52) Do you fear terrorism? yes
53) How many times have you been drunk? Too many to count
54) What's your favorite candle scent? discover
55) Do you use profanity? f*** yeah!
56) Who are the last people you talked to on MSN? AIM? YIM? not an IMer.
57) What is something you're annoyed with? my totally messy house
58) What woke you up this morning? My cat throwing up
59) What did you dream about last night? I don't remember
60) Ever been to the zoo? Yes, but the last day of school was Wednesday (heehee)
61) How many beers did you have today? YUCK! I don't drink beer!
62) What's the last movie watched? What to do in case of fire? (German w/subtitles, argh!)
63) Are you usually late or on time? on time
64) What's a cartoon you watch often? not a cartoon watcher
65) Do you have any imaginary friends? no
66) Are you waiting on something right now? Yes, my coffee to cool enough for me to drink it
67) What do you honestly look for in a girl/guy? Honesty
68) Who's ugly? mean people
69) Are you worried about something? Yes
70) Do you think anyone will read this about you? Yes, I think so
1) Are you a chick or a dude? chick
2) What's your lucky number? 3
3) Do you pray?Yes I do
4) Ever wish on stars? Sometimes
5) Do you believe in karma?Absolutely
6) What's your zodiac sign? Virgo
7) Have you ever almost died? Yes
8) Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes, and it still haunts me
9) Do you cry during sad movies? Yes
10) Do you like to dance? Love it!
11) Do you like to watch movies? Yes
12) Ever sat on a rooftop? No
13) Is there such thing as a soul mate? Yes, and I married mine.
14) Could you live without the television? Yes.
15) Could you live without music? Absolutely NOT!
16) Do you have any self inflicted scars? No
17) What do u dislike about life right now? My cat has to have surgery on Tuesday and I leave on a trip on Wednesday.
18) Have you ever been to jail? Nope
19) Ever had a job for less than a day? Nope
20) Ever been fired on your day off? Nope
21) Ever been fired because of your attitude? Nope -- but I think my AP thought about it once or twice.
22) Do you get jealous of other people? Yes, it's not pretty.
23) Would you rather love someone or be loved? be loved... I need the return!
24) What's under your bed right now? a plastic sheet... Z has yet to built a platform for our bed
25) Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes (wait, can that incriminate me?)
26) Have you ever been dumped? Oh, Yes
27) What's your GPA? don't have one2
8) How cool are you? on a scale of 1-10, I'm an 11!
29) Do you support abortion? I am pro-choice
30) What are you watching right now? the steam come off my coffee cup
31) Did you graduate high school?Yep
32) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row? Not often
33) Have you ever driven someone crazy? I'm sure I have
34) Ever bullied someone? Unfortunately, yes.
35) Ever done the Macarena? Who hasn't?
36) Do you act your age? Only when I have to!
37) Is it okay to disrespect your parent? no, but it is okay to disagree!
38) Do you flush the toilet when you're done? at home, yes, in Oregon, no
39) How long do you stay in the shower? less than 10 minues
40) What kind of soap do you use? Dove bar
41) Are mullets cool? Only on Mandy
42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman? Spiderman
43) Do you like your middle name? Yes, it's my sister's first name
44) Has anyone ever cheated on you? Yes
45) Who was the last person who called you? Dub
46) What's your favorite animal? elephant
47) Favorite color? blue
48) Have you ever shaved your head? no
49) For medical use, should weed be legal? yes
50) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive? NO
51) If you won 1 million dollars, what would you buy first? a turtle waffle cone at Bruster's!
52) Do you fear terrorism? yes
53) How many times have you been drunk? Too many to count
54) What's your favorite candle scent? discover
55) Do you use profanity? f*** yeah!
56) Who are the last people you talked to on MSN? AIM? YIM? not an IMer.
57) What is something you're annoyed with? my totally messy house
58) What woke you up this morning? My cat throwing up
59) What did you dream about last night? I don't remember
60) Ever been to the zoo? Yes, but the last day of school was Wednesday (heehee)
61) How many beers did you have today? YUCK! I don't drink beer!
62) What's the last movie watched? What to do in case of fire? (German w/subtitles, argh!)
63) Are you usually late or on time? on time
64) What's a cartoon you watch often? not a cartoon watcher
65) Do you have any imaginary friends? no
66) Are you waiting on something right now? Yes, my coffee to cool enough for me to drink it
67) What do you honestly look for in a girl/guy? Honesty
68) Who's ugly? mean people
69) Are you worried about something? Yes
70) Do you think anyone will read this about you? Yes, I think so
on Thursday, May 25, 2006
Comments: (0)
found this on lori's blog. thought it was cool, so here 'tis:
10 Firsts:
First Boyfriend: John
First Best Friend: Cathy -- we went to preschool and kindergarten together.
First Kiss: Ryan
First Piercing: My ears. (I was 5)
First Car: 1981 Red Toyota Corolla (inherited from my mom)
First love: John
First Stuffed Animal: ShopRite bear I stole from my Uncle Richie
First tried a cigarette: 8th grade
First Failed Class: Bio for Majors, my senior year of college, to fulfill my science requirement... brought it up to a C!
First MLB Game: Atlanta Braves
9 Lasts:
Last Alcoholic Beverage: Margarita last night
Last Kiss: Zach
Last Vacation: Disney World
Last phone call: Zach, on the way home from work
Last CD Played: my Indigo Girls mix CD
Last Bubble Bath: Tuesday night
Last Time You Cried: Tuesday night when my former students "graduated" from 5th grade
Last "I Love You": Zach
8 Have You Ever:
Have you ever dated a best friend: Yes, married him!
Have you ever skinny dipped: Yes
Have you ever been on tv: Yes (with my Girl Scout Troop in 7th grade and again when they aired the Teacher of the Year awards ceremony)
Have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: Nope. Every kiss I've ever had has ... oh wait.... YES! Wow... forgot about that one!
Have you every had a sex dream about someone you know: Yeppers
Have you ever fallen in love: Yes
Have you ever lost someone you loved: Yes
Have you every been depressed: Yes
7 Places You've Been To:
New Jersey, Florida, Oregon, San Francisco, New Zealand, New York City, Memphis
6 Things You've Done Today:
packed my classroom, helped Stacy move stuff, listened to Esther talk about our school data, organized my student files, made dinner, took a nap
5 Favorite Things In Random Order:
my bed, chocolate, pajama pants, cuddling with my hubby, hot coffee
4 Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
See the Taj Mahal, skydive, fly a plane, earn an Ed.D.
3 Things You'll Do Tomorrow:
finish packing and moving my classroom, laugh with Sarah and Stacy, sleep!
2 Things You Want To Be (That You're Not Now):
a mom, a healthy weight
1 Thing You Are Now:
10 Firsts:
First Boyfriend: John
First Best Friend: Cathy -- we went to preschool and kindergarten together.
First Kiss: Ryan
First Piercing: My ears. (I was 5)
First Car: 1981 Red Toyota Corolla (inherited from my mom)
First love: John
First Stuffed Animal: ShopRite bear I stole from my Uncle Richie
First tried a cigarette: 8th grade
First Failed Class: Bio for Majors, my senior year of college, to fulfill my science requirement... brought it up to a C!
First MLB Game: Atlanta Braves
9 Lasts:
Last Alcoholic Beverage: Margarita last night
Last Kiss: Zach
Last Vacation: Disney World
Last phone call: Zach, on the way home from work
Last CD Played: my Indigo Girls mix CD
Last Bubble Bath: Tuesday night
Last Time You Cried: Tuesday night when my former students "graduated" from 5th grade
Last "I Love You": Zach
8 Have You Ever:
Have you ever dated a best friend: Yes, married him!
Have you ever skinny dipped: Yes
Have you ever been on tv: Yes (with my Girl Scout Troop in 7th grade and again when they aired the Teacher of the Year awards ceremony)
Have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: Nope. Every kiss I've ever had has ... oh wait.... YES! Wow... forgot about that one!
Have you every had a sex dream about someone you know: Yeppers
Have you ever fallen in love: Yes
Have you ever lost someone you loved: Yes
Have you every been depressed: Yes
7 Places You've Been To:
New Jersey, Florida, Oregon, San Francisco, New Zealand, New York City, Memphis
6 Things You've Done Today:
packed my classroom, helped Stacy move stuff, listened to Esther talk about our school data, organized my student files, made dinner, took a nap
5 Favorite Things In Random Order:
my bed, chocolate, pajama pants, cuddling with my hubby, hot coffee
4 Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
See the Taj Mahal, skydive, fly a plane, earn an Ed.D.
3 Things You'll Do Tomorrow:
finish packing and moving my classroom, laugh with Sarah and Stacy, sleep!
2 Things You Want To Be (That You're Not Now):
a mom, a healthy weight
1 Thing You Are Now:
2Peas Monday challenge... a bit early
on Sunday, May 7, 2006
Comments: (1)
Fave coffee: Caramel Frappucino
Fave tea: Sleepytime (chamomile and spearmint)
Fave jam: blackberry
Fave Peanut Butter: crunchy Jif
Fave sandwich: any 1/2 sandwich from the Publix deli, as long as it has White American Cheese
Fave fast food item: McDonald's fries
Fave appetizer: Fried zucchini at Maggiano's
Fave summertime drink: Strawberry daquari
Fave fruit: apples, watermelon, grapes
Fave vegetable: broccoli
Fave indulgence: ice cream -- especially Turtle from Bruster's
Fave tea: Sleepytime (chamomile and spearmint)
Fave jam: blackberry
Fave Peanut Butter: crunchy Jif
Fave sandwich: any 1/2 sandwich from the Publix deli, as long as it has White American Cheese
Fave fast food item: McDonald's fries
Fave appetizer: Fried zucchini at Maggiano's
Fave summertime drink: Strawberry daquari
Fave fruit: apples, watermelon, grapes
Fave vegetable: broccoli
Fave indulgence: ice cream -- especially Turtle from Bruster's
love at first sight
Comments: (5)

Sooooo, Mandy and I decided to have a girls' afternoon. She's settling into her apartment, so I just wanted to hang out and see how things are going. Without any BIG plans in mind, we decided to go for lunch then to check out pet adoptions at the local PetSmart.
Mandy had her heart set on a dog. A small dog like a poodle or a bichon frise. Alas and alack, there were no small dogs for adoption at the PetSmart. In fact, there were only just a couple of cats.
So, there I go, opening my big mouth -- I wonder where the Humane Society is? Yeah... 10 minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot. 15 minutes later we were checking out the puppies and adult dogs they had available for adoption. 30 minutes later we realized that there weren't any small dogs... all of the puppies were going to grow into large dogs or into chihuahuas (we're not sure which is worse.)
Well, let's just look at the cats, I suggested. Just a small suggestion. I wanted to see the purr babies and perhaps play with a kitten or two before we headed out for the rest of the afternoon.
BIG MISTAKE! Not too sure what Dr. G is going to do now... she has fallen in love with a 2 month old black kitten named Gadget. He is too precious. He cuddled and played and stole her heart. He's currently on hold for her. Tomorrow, a decision. I have a feeling that Inspector Gadget is going to be a new member of the family.
So much for getting a dog...